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Jumping Jack Flash - Toxic Troll is out of gasgasgas

CLove's picture

And who does she call when her car stalls 3 blocks from her nasty apartment, who does she ask "can you turn around?" as he is running Munchkin SD12 to school like he does every single day, and then gets himself to work, where he wrenches all day every day so he can pay and pay and pay? Yup, you guessed it!!!!

She ran out of freaking gas. And calls MY husband, asking can he rescue her!!!!!!!

To his credit, DH was really upset, that she had ALL FREAKING DAY to get a little gas in a little gas can and shove the thing where the sun doesnt shine. And yet when he texted her this evening "did you take care of it?" She answers no, can you help me?

Because she cannot get off her A$$ to get some ga$$. All throughout our relationship, she has done this. Asks and demands and when that doesnt work, threatens. "its for your CHILD, how can you refuse?" "Ill just take you to court then!" She is super rude, and just expects that DH will drop everything to "do" for her. He is not longer her husband. I texted him "well she will keep asking you for things and help until a. She finds someone dumber than her that will provide all rescuing, and b. someone tells her NO. He needs to tell her n.o.

Unfreakingbelievable. I told him "yes, she has you by the ba!!s with her vajayjay. Just has to reach out with that thing and grab you when she needs you to rescue her, all because you reproduced with her, and munchkin needs her mobile so you need her mobile."
I told him "well, I guess I have you on a rent-to-own basis, so when munchkin graduates, I will in fact own that. Until then I am renting from Toxic Troll."

Can I say it? B1tch.


Monkeysee's picture

Did he buy her gas then?? I’m with futuro, he can go live with her if that’s how he wants to play it. 

CLove's picture

And waited by her car, because she was not there when he got there.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Why did he even text her to see if she'd got gas??! IT'S NEITHER HIS BUSINESS NOR HIS CONCERN!!

It's high time you started asking questions and making comments that encourage your DH to think critically and examine his actions. Oh, and keep those bi!ch boots close at hand. Your DH badly needs a husband tune up.

TrueNorth77's picture

I was thinking the same, why did he even text her???  He is just enabling her and encouraging her to keep contacting him for nonsense when he texts her asking her if she figured it out!!

I would honestly be livid if my SO did this. The texting her to find out if she figured it out would have put me over the top.

CLove's picture

And Entitled - that is Toxic Troll. He does enable her - he never actually sais "no", he just makes up excuses. He has a hard time with that.

I was EXTREMELY livid. All night and now this morning.

TrueNorth77's picture

Honestly though, this was my SO as well when we first started dating. They had this horrible, toxic relationship that was just calling each other names and saying hateful things, but then she would call and ask him to fix her vehicle, and poof, SO would do it "because the kids". She would get pulled over and given a directive by the police that she had to have insurance on her car, she would call my SO and ask him to put her on his policy, poof, he would do it, "because the kids need to be in a car with insurance". Needed furniture for her place? Poof! "Because the kids need furniture". The list goes on. He did draw the line at some things- she asked him to look up youtube videos of how to install a new cord on video games and he told her to pound sand. She asked him to find her a vehicle cause hers was dying and he noped that also. Still, usually he rescued her.

I eventually lost my shit. It was such a sticking point for us that I said he needed to figure it out, block her, etc, because we could not live like this. She could not always be present with her requests, demands, constant texting, negative intrusions. It was nonstop. My SO grew a pair. Luckily she also got a job, which helped some of the things, but he cut her off- blocked her, all communication through OFW, no more giving in to her demands. It's been amazing. I have hope for you, although it may need to get ugly before he really gets the picture. Fingers crossed!

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

You referenced one of my favourite songs! Too bad it was for such a toxic, useless idiot. I hope your DH did not buy her gas. Your post does not make it clear if he did.

BM doesn't realise or refuses to realise that DH is no longer there to help her out. She has not yet cut that emotional connection to him as her first port of call for help. If she won't, your DH needs to do it - and you have to force the issue because these are not things that involve their child. This is an example of her own irresponsible stupidity in taking care of basic things like making sure her car is properly gassed. These are basic life(style) survival requirements.

CLove's picture

He got the car location, left, bought gas, and then waited by hr car like a puppy dog, while she got off her A$$ and walked to the car.Poor poopsie, didnt like the dark.

Yes, its only been 4.5 years since he and I got together in a monogomous reltaionship. Not nearly as long as they were togeteher, so prhaps - oh maybe 5 years when munchkin has graduated, she MIGHT.

He claims that it involves his child because of transport for 50/50 custody. She lives 1/2 mile away near a high school, and he wants her mobile so he doesnt have to work so hard doing trasnport in the morning.

She could have taken care of it!!!!! He allowed her to not, and then have NO repercussions. So who knows when the next time will happen.

Cooooookies's picture

...and he went and helped her?  Girl, why are you staying around for bits and pieces of her leftovers?

Exjuliemccoy's picture

The majority of your issues stem from HIM and the way he chooses to deal with HER. 

Winterglow's picture

"its for your CHILD, how can you refuse?" - " A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." (Drum this one through his thick skull, will you?)

"Ill just take you to court then!" - (cheerfully) "OK, see you in court, then!"

tog redux's picture

I would love to see that court petition. Would it be civil or criminal? I'm not sure Family Court would take a petition about not helping your ex-wife when she run out of gas.  Maybe small claims court? No, that doesn't make sense ... is it a misdemeanor not to help your ex when she's an idiot? Don't think so.

Wait - none of it makes any goddamn sense.  Least of all him texting her later to find out if she managed to find the gas station on her own. WTF?

CLove's picture

f#CK HER. Thats what I want to say, to both of them. ( I did say that to him)

He just shakes in his shoes at the thought of her taking him to court again for more money.

Aunt Agatha's picture

She can call an Uber or Lyft like the rest of the freaking world.  

Seriously, you deserve more.  I’m a stranger to you and know you deserve to be treated with a whole lot more respect than your husband seems to think you do.

CLove's picture

He did relay to me that their convrsation included him telling her she cant keep relying him all the time, that I am unhappy at the fact that he rescued her dumn a$$ this time when she could have done it herself. That we are MARRIED. And that this is disresepcting our marriage.

She said "ok, I understand, but if it were you in this position, I wold help you out."

eff off, b!tch, I feel like screaming. It sucks to be so disrespected, and with no repercussions.

hereiam's picture

To his credit, DH was really upset

No, he doesn't get credit for being upset, he gets credit when he starts ignoring her or flat out telling her that he is not her bitch, anymore. Actually, no credit for that, either, since that is what he should be doing, anyway.

He is already doing for his child, and divorce means he is no longer responsible for BM, regardless of the fact that she gave birth to his children.

Then, HE texted HER to see if she took care of it? Opening up the door AGAIN for him to come to her rescue? Giving her the impression that he cares? He is as big of a problem as she is.

And the court bluff? Nothing but a bluff and she just sounds stupid for saying it.

CLove's picture

He thinks that she still has power. She ALREADY took him to court, and he is paying child support in addition to the alimony.

I told him that if he needs to keep things nice, fine, but dont do this anymore, our marriage cannot handle it.

hereiam's picture

I remember that he just went to court over CS, which is why I said her court threat is a bluff.

And being threatened by someone all of the time, is all the more reason to stop helping that someone.

Winterglow's picture

Yes. CLove, dosen't your state have the 3-year rule whereby you can only review CS every 3 years?

CLove's picture

Ill have to check on that!