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Happy New Year Steptalkers - gains and losses

CLove's picture

Well, another year is upon us. I took a bit of a computer break this vacation. Was too lazy to even comment about it. Did a bit of cleaning and organizing.

NYE, my Dh, myself, and a female mutual friend splurged on tickets to an 80's party, and my husband suprised me with an overnight stay in an oceanside luxury hotel. Sounds nice right?


It started out ok. Then slid into a ditch, was saved and ended well until DH got sick from "tequila flu". He is not a person who drinks, and his body has trouble processing alcohol.

Im not sure what has happened to our friend, but my lessons are that if someone interrupts you so much you cannot even finish one sentence, if someone takes off and leaves you several times, if someone talks only about themselves constantly, thats not someone you need in your life.

So - lost a friend for New Years.

But we danced and laughed and said our goodbyes.

Munchkin was happily ensconced in her friends house for a sleepover with her Krew. Lots of happy texts from friends and family.

So - gained some peace.

Toxic Troll told DH that since she did not work last year that he should claim munchkin and gain head of household. He will give her some of his cash return he sais, because thats what they have always done. Im thinking that we will file married/separate. But Ill need to really look into the scenarios.

S0 - gained head of household.

Got word of a Fakebook post from Toxic Troll saying that she is "so single that she put as her emergency contact # her ex husband, and that his wife will really like that..." thinking he needs to know, but not sure, not wanting to put more energy into her continual toxicness. Still manages to piss me off, somehow.

I suppose that will be my New goal for this year - to not hold on and get mired in my anger. Holding boundaries doesnt mean you hold on to the emotions that caused them to go up in the first place.

Looking forward not backwards is everyones motto. But my thought for the day is how can we learn, if we dont look backwards.


Jcksjj's picture

First - were you hanging out with my SDs BM for New Years? Because that sure describes her.

Second- she seriously as no one else to put as emergency contact or shes just playing games? I'm assuming the second one. I'd tell DH if he will keep it to himself, but if he will say something to her about it then I wouldn't say anything to him. 

CLove's picture

Im "sanitizing" my environment and getting toxic sludge from my life.

Yes, attention-seeking games. Because she knows it will get back to me, perhaps...

There are some mutual friends that we have. I have her blocked and DH has her blocked on both facebook and instagram.

Monkeysee's picture

I was thinking the same, she doesn’t even have a friend she can use as her emergency contact? How pathetic and sad.

I hope you have a wonderful year ahead CLove

CLove's picture

I suspect she knows something and expected the comment to get back to me. And bother me. Which it did. But also, Toxic Troll is so into stirring up drama to get folks reacting, she posts all KINDS of pathetic crapola. And there are some mutual friends that she knows will see the meme. It was a meme, about being single and the only contact person she has is Jesus, and then her comment about DH..

Thank you Monkey!!!! Have a wonderful new year!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Your NYE bit with the friend sounds very much like what happened to another friend of mine. Crazy!

If TT actually DID put your DH down as an emergency contact and someone called, I hope he has the gumption to say Not my bridge, not my troll.

CLove's picture

But did not want to get mired into it.

Shes a long-time friend of DH from high school, and a good friend of mine (at least when she has the time...)

I forgot to mention she acted really controlling with MY husband.

I really wanted to tell her that his balls were mine, actually, and not hers. But had to keep it nice for NY.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I'd LOVE to be BM's emergency contact so that when I'm called I can say, "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number" before hanging up.

Might be petty, but I'm not in the mood to play Captain Save-a-MoFo.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Dammit, now I want to become besties with BioHo so she'll make ME her emergency contact and I can say that!!!

simifan's picture


Her emergency contact? I'd be praying for that emergency...

Yes, please pull the plug, hey wait.. can i come and pull it myself? 


CLove's picture

eh, shes just baiting me - like the bull and bear...