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So this is blended life.

Chmmy's picture

Blended step life is worse than just regular step life. My son 23 is moving from DC to Michigan for a job. He is staying with us for a week til the job starts. This is awful. I cant run & hide like I usually do or just take off. Im not working much for the holidays and no school for the kids so I'm here, not wanting to leave my son. He has an apartment. He chose to move in to the apartment and come spend the holidays with us so ditching him is not an option. Last night we spent the night at my parents house but we're back. Of course BM is too busy to take the skids during the break. We have them every day...I'm sorry she did take them for 5 hours on Christmas and for a few hours tonight for a family thing. She takes them when she needs to work on her MOTY award by showing everyone what a great mom she is. When the kids were feral she never brought them in public. Now that ive ruined my marriage by forcing my husband to raise decent human beings she wants them around.


Chmmy's picture

We can stay at my mom's. That's what i do when my older son is in town. My son is choosing to stay here.  He wants to be around my dh. It's me that a wreck. Am I crazy that Im scared to death that sd17 will accuse him of something just to get back at me. These thoughts pop in my head with no provocation other than sd is a liar similar to bm & bm always accused people of hitting her for sympathy. Sd17 is barely home but I'm nervous when she is.