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Dogs like me

Chmmy's picture

I do not have a dog due to I can't commit to a dog with the status of my relationship may mean I have to move. 

I do dog sit for friends & family and am considering fostering.  The dogs mostly prefer me & DH...but mostly me lol. Sd17 is a self proclaimed dog lover on Facebook(what a coincidence that so is the boy she likes) and rarely has anything to do with the dogs I bring home yet she tells daddeeeee how mean he is because he doesn't let her get a doggie. I haven't seen her clean up dog poop once. Thats ok, I take on the dogs and they are my responsiblity but as a self proclaimed dog lover you would think she'd show more interest. He did sit with her on the couch while I was at work but as soon as B heard me walk in, he ran to me.

Anyway I am the most hated person here in my own home but at least dogs love me. 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

There is something so pure about the unconditional love and devotion of a furbaby!

Merry's picture

Thank you for fostering. All my dogs, each one of them perfect in their own way, have come from shelters. Well, I do have one asshole dog now, but I love her too.

Chmmy's picture

I haven't fostered yet because I have had too many dog sitting obligations and overnight kid sitting away from home but come spring Ill be free to fister. I hope I  get that opportunity. I may foster a child someday too but its soooo hard.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

If dogs love you, that's all you need. Who cares if people love you? People are fickle. Dogs are pure souls, they know who's a good person and who's not, and they love unconditionally. Go dogs! F%$# people!

I love that you want to foster dogs! I do volunteer work with an animal rescue agencyand I can tell you that dogs and cats who are rescued are the most loving pets ever! They truly appreciate the love they receive from their new hoomins!