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CBCharlotte's Blog

Upcoming Disney trip with skids

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Even though my fiancee just got laid off, we already had a trip to Disney/Universal booked and paid for, and we figured the trip could help take his mind off of everything.

We had a "family meeting" with SD15 and SD12 over the weekend about expectations for Disney. They know SO is laid off, and we explained we had to be careful with money on the trip. For example, we would be getting breakfast foods, lunch meat, etc. to keep in the room and would pack our lunch in a cooler for the parks, and only go out to dinner. SDs were to bring their own spending money for souvenirs.

Cute skid story

CBCharlotte's picture

We see SS5 and SS4 once a month, as we live in NC and they live in TX. We fly there, get a hotel and rental car, and have a weekend with them. It was SS4's birthday (well for us, it had happened not on our weekend) so we spent the day at a kids fun park, with go-karts, mini golf, rides, arcade, etc.

SO laid off

CBCharlotte's picture

Sorry to be a blog hog. The first I posted was for advice. This is just dealing with it.

SO was laid off (effective June 3rd) and I'm terrified! I've been telling him for a long time we are living beyond our means....that if he lost his job I could not pay for our lifestyle myself, and it happened.

OT - My wedding dress is in!

CBCharlotte's picture

I called the bridal shop because I wanted to pick up my veil for practice run hair styling. The girl got on the phone and said "I'm so glad you called! You are on my list to call today! Your dress arrived!"

It is a month was supposed to arrive end of June and the wedding is Labor Day weekend. That is some stress off my shoulders. I am going to go try it on tomorrow.

If anyone is into dresses, you can google "ellis bridal 19033", and that is the dress.

Skids on our wedding night?!?! (long rant)

CBCharlotte's picture

SO and I really got into it last night, and I was so upset I broke down.

Our wedding is less than 4 months away so we've been talking a lot about it. I've been working a babysitter/nannyy for SS5 and SS4 on our actual wedding day. SD15 and SD12 are my bridesmaids, along with my 25 year old sister who is maid of honor. SS5 and SS4 are his groomsmen, along with my 23 year old brother. I love my skids, but I do not want to be babysitting them on my wedding day. It is hard enough wrangling 4 kids when I'm NOT getting married!

SO on my nerves. TMI joke.

CBCharlotte's picture

SO was a HUGE jerk to me last night. I've been pissed all day and he still hasn't apologized.

He has his first ever colonoscopy Friday and has to drink all that nasty stuff tomorrow and will be pooping his brains out all day.

Which is fitting since he is such an ASSHOLE!! HA!!! I crack myself up. You have to laugh to not cry sometimes Smile

Anyone else have hypochondriac skids?

CBCharlotte's picture

It drives me nuts! My SDs (15 and stb12) are saints compared to many of the skids I read about on here, but the one thing that drives me (and their father) NUTS is their incessant hypochondria!

Skids mom is a helicopter mom. Great mom, but does EVERYTHING for them. She also is neurotic and a hypochondriac, so the kids are the same way. I've had a previous blog about how skids are convinced every storm is a hurricane or tornado and worry constantly about terrorists, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc. We live in LANDLOCKED Charlotte, NC. *Sigh*
