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My 2yr old BD got a hold of my cell phone and "sent" BM 15 texts of nonsense!

Catlover's picture

So today I noticed that my little BD had gotten a hold of my blackberry. I of course had to chase her around the house to get it back...praying the whole time that she hadn't dialed my boss or anything. I get a hold of my phone and check to see if she had "called" anyone. Phew! it was empty. Then just on a whim I checked my text mailbox (as she looooves to press those buttons) and Lo and behold! There was BM's cell phone that popped up 15 times in a row with MESSAGE SENT next to it. I checked all the messages, and all of them are something like:

kljasoit oevitaoritjo oitvwu moir

She either thinks that I've lost my God lovin' mind, or that I'm trying to torment her. Keep in mind, BM and I have spoken once in three years without DH there, and her number's in my phone only for emergency purposes.


(though I have to admit this is pretty funny)


onehappygirl's picture

If your BM is as stupid as my BM, she's probably going to translator websites trying to figure out what language you're cussing her out in.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Catlover's picture

HAHA thats exactly what I was thinking too!

"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"

ChaiLatte's picture

Thanks for this. I needed the laugh. Smile

"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."

stepmom2one's picture

funny! just text back "sorry about that BD got ahold of the phone" lol

MY BS3 got ahold of my phone and called the last person dialed--my boss! She talked to him for awhile I guess. He said that was "boss" I will call her back later. lol

I checked the phone calls and he did call her. So I called her back to say sorry and she just laughed and said "oh thats fine! He is going to call me back later!" lol