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From SS10 dental fees to master drama

Caroline2b1211's picture

I though drama were behind us. 

Today MIL called DH. DH answered cause he though it was about his grand mother who has cancer. 
MIL was furious, out of nowhere. 

She claimed that DH didn't wish her merry christmas. He replied by saying that since she doesn't treat DS like SS, he doesn't want her to be part of our family. 

MIL started arguing about SS braces fees. That DH didn't payed for anything, so she has to help BM to pay the bill. 
The fact is that few months ago, BM asked DH to pay half of the bill (many hundred €€€) for SS braces. DH has a good (and expansive) health insurance, but BM never sent any document in time so DH insurance was not covering it. He said to BM that since she didn't send any document as he asked multiple times, it was her problem. He said he will pay next year if she does the job. 

MIL put this story on the table again, arguing that she was not capable to pay for SS braces AND to offer gift to DS. That SS braces were necessary, instead of DS gifting. That DH was not doing his job as a father of, so she must compensate and she has not time to play DH role to SS AND a grand mother role to BS. That of BS has a heart, he would understand when he will be on age to. (Bty, good luck with that MIL). 
DH has no idea MIL was paying for SS braces, but that not the point right ? 

And the, horrible things about me : that my only point was to make DH cut ties with his family and his son, that my family was rich and put no effort on SS, that i was making differences between the boys... 

From this talk, DH is exhausted, so do I. 
I 100% know that all these stories are not SS fault, that he has negative influence from this side, but i can't help myself having resentment for him. 

Thanks again MIL !



justmakingthebest's picture

Hate to brake it to your MIL but braces aren't a necessity. Unless they have to be done for real medical reasons (which most aren't) they are cosmetic. Not all parents can afford braces, they aren't bad parents because of it! 

If BM won't give your DH the paperwork to go through insurance, he is 100% right to not give her a dime! Life lessons BM! MIL can suck it. 

Caroline2b1211's picture

So true ! When the subject came, i told DH "if you say yes for this time, it will be forever !" 
I'm sure BM tried to make DH spread his money. 
Sad thing, our health insurance would have covered 100% of each cost (BM and DH's part). 

Winterglow's picture

Braces at TEN? 

Whatever... Not your problem. BM had the chance to do it right and didn't. Your DH was right. 

tog redux's picture

Kids get them early now - which is nice, because they don't have them all through adolescence. 

Winterglow's picture

I'm just surprised because one of my daughters still had a ton of baby teeth at that age so braces would have been pointless. 

tog redux's picture

Well, you made me curious so I looked it up - I guess, the earlier the better, in terms of starting orthodontic work - even with baby teeth. I know my friend's son started before ten, getting spacers and other things to prepare for braces. 

Caroline2b1211's picture

My SS has an sort of removable dental appleance (don't know the word in english) 

Caroline2b1211's picture

I was his advisor because at the time, he felt sorry for SS... but there children guet braces early

ICanMakeIt's picture

This woman truly knows nothing of boundaries. I'm sorry you all have to deal with this crazy. 

CastleJJ's picture

MIL literally made the excuse that she can't be a "father" to SS and have the capacity to be a grandmother to BS... clearly she doesn't have the capacity to be anything to anyone because no one is expecting her to be a parent to SS. Ignore her because this favoritism will never change. 

justmakingthebest's picture


Caroline2b1211's picture

Hi CastleJJ, you make my day ! 
How is asking MIL to play SS father ? Except her ego and need to be a "saver"? 
I know i shouldn't care but this drive me crazy !

CastleJJ's picture

But MIL's need to save people is her own issue, not DHs and she needs to learn that. She is a shit grandmother to BS because she chooses to be, not because she is "too busy filling DH's role" for SS. She will just never admit that the favoritism exists, she will just continue to hide behind bullshit excuses. Your DH needs to stop communicating with her period and you all need to focus on your family. 

Winterglow's picture

Poor woman (sarcasm). Maybe if she stopped meddling she might have time to cope with ALL of her grandkids, all two of them. Good grief, my grandmother had nearly 20 grandkids and we were ALL loved. OTOH, never once did she interfere in our parenting. What an interfering old besom. Tell her to get a life.