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capp1978's picture

So on Saturday we had a bday dinner for SD18. I do this stuff for my husband, not her. It makes him happy. So since SD moved out earlier in the week she is coming over to our house for a family dinner. I asked her to stop at the store and pick up something we needed on her way, it would have cost less than $2. She told me sorry I can't afford it. I said well I can give you $2 then. She said ok but can I take your car, I can't afford the gas in my car. DH reaches in his pocket and gives her the cash to go get gas and what we needed. Yesterday she texts that she wants to come over and visit her little sister b/c she missed her. I knew right there that was a line of crap b/c before she moved out she could go weeks/months without seeing her little sister and she had just seen her Saturday. She came over to show us her brand new tattoo. Wow....she had money to afford a tattoo on Sunday but couldn't afford to put gas in her car or pick up a $2 item on Saturday? I had to pay for gas in her car yet she had the money to get a tattoo? I'm so over her, I'm so over her entitlement, I'm so over her lack of responsibility (due to DH's Disney dad, guilty divorce syndrome, lack of parenting).


DaizyDuke's picture

Did DH happen to mention how ridic that whole situation was?? Or did he just oooh and ahhh over the tattoo?

capp1978's picture

I don't know what he even said. He was upstairs when she walked in the door and showed me, I went and got him and said she has a tattoo. Where did she get the money for that? He said I think she got it from her mom as a bday gift. I went downstairs and I stayed up. We haven't talked since.

DaizyDuke's picture

I mean I guess if her mother gave her money for her birthday, it's SD's choosing as to what she wants to spend it on. But I hope your DH filed that in his memory bank, for future reference when he is shelling out money for things that she should prioritize as necessities (like gas for her vehicle) over a stupid tattoo.. or whatever crap she deems important next week.

capp1978's picture

DH does realize it but will not do anything about it. He is your typical Disney Dad. He thinks his darling daughter can do no wrong. Shoplifting, drinking in her bedroom while we were asleep, smoking pot while driving, drinking and driving, having cops called b/c she was in possession of alcohol, sneaking out of the house, sneaking boys in her room where all no big deal. I just hate that he didn't parent her and teach her about responsibility. That girl had money in her pocket when she told us she was broke and couldn't afford a $2 item and she couldn't afford to put $5 or $10 in her gas tank to get her to the store.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Is your DH still paying CS? It wouldn't surprise me in the least if BM gave her CS money to get inked.

BioHo was forever sending SDthen16-17 over to pitch hissy fits at DH that he needed to give 'Ho more money because SD's jeans cost $100 a pair and she wanted $120 sneakers. DH told her, "CS pays for that so you need to ask your mother. I'm broke." And he WAS broke!

Acratopotes's picture

simply keep quiet about it, say nothing.... next time she comes over with excuses of no gas money, no food money, smile and say

You had money for a tattoo, you can't cry poor Hon, maybe you will learn now it's more important to have gas and food then a tattoo... and never hand her money, make sure DH does not, tell him it's only this once, you can always help out a week later but she needs to suffer for at least a week to learn a lesson....

I think she already regrets moving out lol.....