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Can you teach time management?!!

Candice's picture

I swear this woman never ceases to amaze me. She is constantly running at the very last minute of every event. School is suppose to start tomorrow in our area, ss is already registered for his school. BM has a younger child starting kindergarten, and she is scrambling to get him enrolled into school!! It's the night before school starts and she is just now trying to get him registered!!!!

This is the same woman that said it was better for her 13 year old to live with us b/c of the structure and stability, and then 1.5 months later said.."but ss wants to live with me!"

She just called us asking if she could us our address to register her son in a particular school. It isn't going to work b/c we aren't zoned for the school she wants, and she is moving again in 2 months so she says....

This woman reminds me of pig pen from the peanuts with the dust cloud of chaos swirling around her.....


gertrude's picture

But it doesn't sound like she wants to! Not when being last minute lucy is such a great way to build drama and get favors, eh? Everything is a big flustery deal! HAHAHA - My DH has a favorite saying "Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance" Apparently it comes from army boot camp or something. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that he likes to live by that motto - just spout it. So, my response has become, "Your Emergency Is Not Mine."

Would I do this for BM? Absolutely not. - Not my problem man. Luckily, for me, the Belly is an adult - I think it is easier to deny BM with SD being an adult. The swirling cloud of chaos is just another way to manipulate. I am wary of it.