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cam0507's Blog

BM saying she fears for her life because of DH

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Bottom line: BM falsely made an accusation towards my husband saying she has reason to fear for her safety. She does not fear for her safety and we all know it. She is setting him up for a protection order or domestic violence charge and we know it. It's no coincidence that this is happening months before a change of custody order gets reviewed by the court.

How much does your man pay BM for child support?

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My DH is hard on himself because he feels like he has to pay BM too much for CS each month. It leads me to wonder, how much do other men out there have to pay for CS? If you respond, please include how many parenting days he has and how many children he's supporting.

I'll start:

My DH has 169 days a year and he pays $185 a month for his one child, plus he has to maintain health insurance.

BM sends DH pics of her other children

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I found out recently that BM sends my DH emails with pics of her other children.

The pics go like this:
picture of ss4,
picture of ss4 and his 2 brothers,
solo picture of his brother (times 3).

Granted some of these pics contain their son in common, but instead of JUST being their child the pics contain her other 2 children and headshots of just her other son (no relation to DH).