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Mothers Day

BSgoinon's picture

SS had a baseball game on Saturday. BM showed up for, literally, 5 minutes and left. She text DH and told him she would be at our house at 8am to get SS.

I woke SS up at 7:40. Told him to get dressed and brush his teeth so his mom could pick him up. He got clothes on (no shoes) and laid down on the coach. BM knocks on the door, he still has no shoes on and hasn't brushed his teeth. I tell him "that's your mom". He gets up, and goes in his room and shuts the door. So... I reluctantly answer the front door. She starts talking a mile a minute about how she started her job at the bowling ally, and she is going to "learn so much"... **eyeroll** SS comes out from his room, wraps his arms around me and just stays there, arms around me and head on my shoulder, until BM is done talking. Finally I had to put a stop to the madness and say "ok, well you guys have fun and I will see you in a few hours". SS tells me he loves me and starts out the front door. Still not having said anything to BM, she tells me she will bring him home in 2 hours and says "Happy Mother's Day". I reply "Thank you". I am not sure if she expected me to tell her Happy Mothers Day as well, but I didn't.

Later in the day, SS posted a meme on his instagram. It's of a crowd of people at a baseball game, one mom with baby in her arms reaching up with a gloved hand and catching a foul ball, then a dad below her, gloved hand, trying and failing to catch the same foul ball. It says "Like a Boss! Happy Mother's Day". He tagged me right on the face of the mom that caught the ball, he tagged BM on the dad that failed. His comment says "Happy Mother's Day, I love you both". He has never posted ANYTHING like this before. He never does happy birthday posts for anyone, nothing. Usually his posts are of his newest bat, or his latest video of him hitting.

On a different note, my DD12 wrote me the sweetest letter telling me why she loves me so much. I cried. And my DD14, well, she was a mouthy turd all day, and DH grounded her LOL. Frickin TEENAGER! At lease I didn't have to deal with her, Happy Mother's Day to me!!


notsurehowtodeal's picture

What I find interesting about your BM is that she seems cool with your relationship with her son. Most BM's would be jealous, and she doesn't seem to be. I guess on some level she must be thankful for how much you do for her son. Maybe knowing you are there for him relieves some of the guilt she must feel.

BSgoinon's picture

Notsure... it really depends on the day. Sometimes she is grateful, sometimes she is resentful. When we are in public (like his baseball games that she only shows up to for a few minutes and leaves) we don't even acknowledge each others existence. But when she comes to pick him up, she talks a mile a minute. I stopped caring what she thinks about my relationship with him a long time ago. If she doesn't want to be his MOM, then I have no problem filling that void for him. I love him.

Tuff Noogies's picture

aw, bs, what a sweetheart he is.

i wonder if she would have passed a drug screen right then. sounds like either she was speeding her @$$ off, or just overly fast-talking cuz she was uncomfortable...

and yup, you definitely got this, like a boss!!!!

BSgoinon's picture

He really is.

Honestly, I think she was loaded... she was very obviously in "last nights clothes" and she had posted a picture of the sunrise at the park up the street already that morning. She lives walking distance from the park. Why would she be there, and not at home? She is most certainly sleeping in her car when she is loaded, knowing that her room mate will kick her out if he suspects drug use in his house.