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While dreams of packed suitcases dance in my head...

Bradymom's picture

We are now in the part of the pre festivities that I begin fantasizing about taking a trip to white sand beaches & laying in the sand all day with the sound of waves crashing in the close distance.

It goes like this:

Calendar is viewed.
A holiday is coming.
View my CO.
View DH CO.
Talk with DH about holiday plan.
Talk with relatives we are still talking to about holiday plans.
Talk again with DH about holiday plan.
Finalize holiday plan.
Time lapses. This could be called Period of contentment.
Discussion about holiday food.
Look at my kids school schedule.
Look at DH kids school schedule.
Text messages from relatives we aren't speaking with begin.
Begin fantasizing about buffet dinners.
Text messages from relatives we are speaking to telling us they are receiving messages from relatives we are not speaking to.
Begin asking "who is bringing the booze?!"
Relatives blame you for not inviting relatives that have not been at a holiday gathering for years & years.
Begin fantasizing about an island holiday.

I don't know what else happens because we have never been the "ones" who are not talking to relatives before. We are usually the peacekeepers (sounds better than the ones who allows the shit)

Ugh. Haha What comes next.
