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Split holiday

Bradymom's picture

If it's your year to have the kids on Christmas Eve do you still do a full out stockings & presents Christmas or do you do scale down with a few gifts & no stockings? I'm thinking we are gunna scale back & do an evening exchange & meal together instead of the faux Christmas morning.


purpledaisies's picture

We including Bm decided long ago that Santa goes to one house every year. Whom ever had the skids for Christmas day dud Santa.

Another thing I do is when skids are with their mom getting gifts from her my kids got Gifts from me their mom.

Bradymom's picture

Good for you. That's great! Hell would freeze over before either of us were on those terms with out bios. I almost threw up at just the thought. But... I admire your peace.

purpledaisies's picture

Well it took a long time to get to this point. we are on talking terms but only b/c I put the past of her trying to ruin my sons life. she tried on several occasions to get him locked away start at the ripe age if 10. Yep according to her my son was a safer to everyone and she would stop til he was locked away. He has autism but high functioning. She used that as her excuse.

But then years later ss16 was thought to have austism too but she has refused to have him tested.

SM with BM from hell's picture

Each year we alternate between Christmas and Christmas Eve. Whichever day we have them is our Christmas with them opening gifts in the morning and carrying on as if its the real day. I forgot how we explained it when they were younger. We came to this after a few trial and error years.

overworkedmom's picture

I have never had to me in this situation. BM doesn't have custody rights- only visitation at our discretion. My ex is jewish so, no sharing Christmas. However, I agree with Purpledaisies- Santa should only go to one house. You could always do a little stocking from you and your DH but keep it small. Presents should be the same, a few from you and your DH. Scale it back, Skids will survive!!

Sambolina1's picture

In hindsight wish we would have scaled back. But we didn't. We charged that stuff up! Back before the economy stunk of course. Anyway, it simply fed into the "GIMMEEEEE" mentality and the entitlement. unfortunately, the "kids" who are adults now, see us as gifts. When we closed up shop and scaled back, we lost a ton of value. Have t heard from them in months and months now.