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Bio mom wishes a happy valentines... Really?

Bradymom's picture

Do you wish your ex a happy birthday? How bout a Merry Christmas? Easter? Thanksgiving? Say you miss talking to them?!?!?!

Thankfully my court order says we can only text or email ABOUT THE KIDS & can only SPEAK in the event of an emergency. And you bet your butt if my ex said anything to me that began with Happy or Merry, I would remind him of our order. It's not about being civil. It's about-- what the heck does this have to do with this kids? We can't stand each other.

Anyways. Bio mom does the above to my DH. I told him, did she give a shit about your birthday, Christmas or any other holiday when you were married?! How about missing your voice? Nope. She was a cheating whore!!! 6000 texts in one month to an 18 year old boy, a senior in high school. Yeah didn't care about your Easter then huh? Nope didn't even care when she was carrying your daughter inside of her, that you don't even know if she is your biological child bc your wife cheated so much--- so why the hell does she care now???

Oh could it be that she went & married Old Man Withers off of Scooby Doo & you get sexier every year & she's looking more like her mom day by day. Ewww. & you got married to me & our itty bitty town can't stop talking about it 3 years later? Aweeee sucks to be HER!!!

Seriously!!! We ALL four sat at a meeting 3 years ago where she said, in front of me & her husband that she MISSED HEARING MY HUSBANDS VOICE. I looked at her husband like wtf & he was looking off like "I really am with this skank forever? Kill me now." No reaction. Weird as hell. 4 years of this jealous crap!

I've told my husband you have to stop with the niceness. She views that as sweetness. Any thank you's. Pleases. She shoots back winks & shit. He has stopped it all, only facts about kids. She still does the happy birthdays, Merry Christmas, etc. But now it's. "I'm sorry to bother you, I just wanted to say happy valentines day"

Really???? Go snuggle up to your old man. That's what you get when you marry 17 years older than you!!! Grrrr.


Bradymom's picture

I know!!! My mouth literally dropped! I was like-- hello this is creepy. You miss his voice?!?!

If he were to tell her it's unacceptable, she would do it more. Now he waits 3-24 hours to respond to anything just to "send a message" that she does not take priority.

Bradymom's picture

For a while he responded with group messages with all 4 of us on the messages. She wants to send this shit, our spouses will see it. Every once in a while he reverts back to that tool. Haha

Bradymom's picture

She is a nut job. Sadly she has a long history of sexual abuse from her father, whom she has always had a relationship with & always "gotten thru" it as a family, this was discovered after the conseption of their first child, & inseset with her brother, discovered a few more years into their marriage. DH got her counseling but it was short lives bc, again "they got thru it as a family" Now the main concern is protect the kids, but the most that can be done is GRANDPA CANT BE ALONE WITH KIDS, but really mom is okay with that bevahior & so is uncle & grandma. So yeah we are dealing with major insanity!!! Beyond innapropriate.

oneoffour's picture

I wish my ex a Happy Birthday, and Christmas and Easter. We talk more now because we are going through some issues with our older son but we can go for months without talking or F/Booking. I am entirely respectful of his wife and the boundaries. I would NEVER say I miss his voice or his smile or the way he laughs. The only thing I told him was when he let me know he had had another heart attack from stress (he is 53) that he needs a hobby and he should go back to wood turning because that is his gift to the world, he makes absolutely beautiful turned bowls. It will help him with his stress and keep him busy.

But then he lives on the other side of the world and I know if he lived here he would be on our doorstep every weekend to hang out with us. Thank goodness for the Pacific Ocean!

Just J's picture

Two years ago my DH's ex included him on her "Merry Christmas" group text, so it was not just to him but it did annoy me because they were not friends then, and they are not now, and she ended her text with "Love ya, BM." I found it to be extremely in appropriate that she included him in a text at all much less one that ended with love ya. It was a rude intrusion on our holiday. He knew I was irritated and said he couldn't control what she did, but at least he didn't text back.

Bradymom's picture

Yeah. Can't control their inappropriate behavior. If you call then out, they'll do it more. The only thing that stops bio mom here is all 4 in a group message "'bio mom', I got your Valentine message. Did you intend to send that to me? I assume you did, it said, to 'bio dad' Tell the kids i'll see them Wednesday & I miss them." Shuts her beak right up.