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Words from BS9

Biomomof2's picture

"Mom, unlike with you I know how to get anything I want from dad"
"Mom, I love you even though unlike dad you make me clean my room and read"
"Mom, all I have to do is tell dad you don't let me do something, even if you do, and he lets me"
"Mom, dad likes to tell me all the time well those are the rules at moms house not here, even when I know it's something I shouldn't do, how do I tell my dad no?"
" Mom, dad has a problem with me playing xbox here, even though all we do at dads is watch TV"
"Mom, dad complains about what we eat here, but I think the only vegetable he knows of is corn"
"Mom, why do we have dessert every night at dads, but it's a treat here?"
"Mom, thank you for making me read Harry Potter, dad likes reading is boring"
"Mom, why does dad call you a whore?"
"Mom, why does dad say SF stole you when we had already moved out and been gone awhile? I was there when you meet SF?"

Interestingly enough, iPhones make it very easy to hear what the person on the other end says, and I have heard this an more from BF. I have heard the kids talking about something we did and BF saying I don't want to hear about SF and your mom more times then I can count. BS has told me and his counselor it is easier to say what BF wants to hear then to tell him the truth. BF doesn't want to hear the truth, he wants to hear BS is miserable with me and without him. It's really sad. BS can't even tell dad he loves his mom.


Biomomof2's picture

Oh, sorry. I have a domestic restraining order against BF. During custody trail therapist met with us both. After meeting with Bf therapist came to me and told me, he is the text book case of NPD, 98% he is bi-polar and he thinks he is very very smart. Warned me to be careful.

Biomomof2's picture

I have also been warned to watch my back after a false CPS report BF made. CPS worker did the investagation, last thing he said to me is once BF finds out this claim is bogus, watch your back. Christmas break last year, divided in half according to the shortest break (one kid had 2 weeks, one kid had 3 weeks) he tried to have the cops make me give him the final weekend even though it was part of my holiday week, but he did the whole it's the first weekend of the month and I get that weekend. Cop had to explain to him he took my time Mon-Fri and gave up his weekend. Final conversation with cop, watch my back. BF knew it wouldn't get them, he was just trying to cause problems and see if he could.