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Christmas schedule stress

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So BF and I are in the middle of court. Bios have an attorney. Attorney told us she doesn't like to separate child at all. BF is asking for 50/50. Kids are classified as special needs. Kids told attorney dad has a temper and she only wants to go when she wants to. DS said he has huge resignation about a week spent at dads. To many problems with dad. Attorney wants to two mediation appointments to talk with BF and I together. And to get BF to understand why this is not going in his favor. Children are special needs and BF has very little to do with helping them. Only has ever contacted the schools right before court. Has no idea what DDs learning disabilities are even though they were diagnosed before I left him. Tells DS he doesn't need his meds. Anyway children's attorney JUST covered all this. We leave the court house and I get an email from BF.
Kids have two different schedules for break. One is 2 weeks one is 3. He states he is keeping DD for half of her break which is longer. Not the way it has ever been done. Claims his attorney told him to. I call my attorney, send the emails. Call the children's attorney who makes it clear this is NOT what she would support. Do not separate kids, do not change things for special needs kids. I send her the emails. His attorney is NOT happy he is using her name when she would never advise going against the children's attorney.
DD and DS are stressing, I'm stressed. It is a waiting game to see if he actually refuses to send DD home. I know children's attorney just told me that he is hanging himself. But to stress your kids out at Christmas?!?! Can you just make a sign that says I do not care about what is best for my kids, I want what I believe are my rights?!? That would be easier.