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big momma's Blog

Too much airtime for BM

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So my DH has been PASed by BM to 3 daughters. 1 SD lives with us FT. 1 lives with BM. 18SD is leaving for college in August. BM has done so many crazy things in the past that I don't trust her to have any contact with me or DH. He now has a smart phone so he can email or text to communicate with BM. In the past month, after BM freaked out in Domestics while attempting to get CS modified and was asked to leave by the staff, DH has been conversing with her on phone. He had been only communicating by text messages for years.

Identity theft and child support modification

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So DH is going for CS modification next month. Was checking DH credit report tonight to see if there are any outstanding medical bills that BM hasn't paid. I found 2 loans on his account that needed verified before I could get the report. There is a mortgage and car loan on his account. These are clearly not his as we are renting and own our cars. I know I'm jumping to conclusions but I know it was BM. She knows all his info and the guy she calls her "husband" has been charged with identity theft before. I hope we finally stumbled on something we can use in court.