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For all steps who had bio children after meeting skid

The big G's picture

Wondering if all you steps out their leant from your skid's what not to do when you had your own bio children?


The big G's picture

Just to get call rolling I made sure my bio's got used to sleeping on their own and got them into a bedtime routine when they where babies. Somethind sd13 still hasn't been taught.

stepmom31's picture

I've found that many times when I'm upset or irritated over some BM/stepkid issue, the only person physically around is my daughter, and my whole mood affects her. I might even be soo pissed off that she's the one getting yelled at or shuffled off to bed early and angrily for absolutely no reason (on her part). I have to stop doing this. She is still just a baby so I hope she won't remember this mistake of mine. But it really isn't fair to my Bios that they get the side effects of me having to deal with BM/stepkids. I have learnt that I really need to stay calm and keep my sanity for the sake of my own kids.

For almost everything else, I did not need to have stepkids in order to learn what to do. I have always had my own strong ideas about parenting, I've learnt very well from my own parents, and I read a lot about best practices. My 1yr old already reads more than my stepkids (11&12) put together, but that is me bringing up my daughter the way I want, I didn't need to see stepkids failing in school to know what to do with my own.

JustAnotherSM's picture

Absolutely! I was a SM for 14 years before I had kids of my own with DH. I always thought of DH and myself as "part-time" parents who had the opportunity to learn alot about child-rearing before we had kids together. Unfortunately, some of those lessons were learned by watching BM parent SS the wrong way.

My bios are only 2 and 4 right now. But they are already capable of handling more reponsibility than SS18.
- bios say Please, Thank-you, Excuse Me, etc. without being prompted
- bios help with chores around the house (setting dinner table, helping with laundry, picking up toys, etc.)
- bios want to take baths/showers and brush their teeth regularly
- bios show remorse when they hurt someone, whether intentional or not

These are all things that DH and I have taught our children. We tried to teach SS these things as he was growing up too, but we found it hard to have an impact with BM and her family constantly PASing the skid.

The big G's picture

Mine are 3 and nearly 2 the 3 year old says please and thank
Cleans up and loves doing dishes (pre sorted) 2 year old tries to say please and thank you but has speech issues which are being addressed. But at least she is trying. Sd is 13 and never says please or thank you. Doesn't help out but OH totally spoils her.

mom23ms's picture

I have BK's from my previous marriage. However their father and I are on the same page when it comes to parenting and actually have a very good relationship. Now, after I met SO's children and had to deal with them...I THANK GOD not only do I have an IUD but he had a vasectomy. I can't imagine...