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Teenage Attitude or DH Grew a Spine

BettyRay's picture

DH recently agreed to let SS16 purchase GTA5. Part of the deal was that DH would play it with SS16 before DH agreed to let SS16 keep it. So SS16 brought the game and his xbox over Friday night. As SS11 was going to a Boy Scout camp out Saturday night, DH and SS16 were going to play it then, while SS11 was gone. (The other part of the deal is that SS16 cannot playing it in front of SS11.
Firast thing Friday night SS16 asks DH if he can set the xbox up. DH says no because we’re all going to watch TV and that SS16 has all Saturday night to play. Then SS16 gets mouthy because DH wouldn’t cave and let him play xbox (on our family room TV).

SS16 wouldn’t let it go either. DH then reminds SS16 that he has to study for mid-term exams on Sunday, so SS16 wouldn’t be allowed to play xbox till he’s done studying on Sunday. The whole time DH is talking to SS16, SS16 is glued to his iPhone ignoring DH, no eye contact or responses to DH’s questions.

SS16 then turns to us and says: “I get better grades when I don’t study.” (All attitude with a smart-*ss tone of voice)

I couldn’t resist and replied back to SS16: “Well if that’s the case you should be getting straight A’s because I rarely see you study.” (I just used a matter of fact tone).

SS16 gave me the mega-stink-eye, if looks could kill...

Then DH steps in – which totally shocked me as normally DH just ignores the bad attitude and snide comments. But not this time.

DH says to SS16: “Stop cocking off to BettyRay and me. This isn’t your mom’s house. You don’t run the show here. Just because you didn’t get your way with the xbox doesn’t give you the right to be nasty to everyone.”

Well DH is saying this SS16 is looking down at his iPhone ignoring DH.

DH goes on to say: “Look at me when I’m talking to you or I’ll take your iPhone and the video game and destroy them.”

SS16 pouted in silence the rest of the evening.

I’m so proud of DH for parenting SS16. After we went to bed DH thanked me for saying something to SS16 about his grades. DH then said that he would have let SS16 play the xbox if SS16 hadn’t assumed he’d have control of the family room TV just because he brought the xbox over.
