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Step Children Saga - Beginning to End, 40 yrs of it, My Therapy.

bethanco's picture

My Therapy and Proof of the existence of Karma.

I am a step mother who has only met her adult step sons 2x SS2 and 3x SS1 in their lives.
I tried to care about them. We were given court ordered summer visits with his children but his ex-wife withheld visitation. We would show up, she would have a note on the door sorry had to leave.
We never met my step children until they were adults in their late 20s. They each came skiing with us in Colorado. When still children my husband went to court several times over her refusing court ordered visitation. The next step was have her thrown in jail and he refused to do that to the Mother of his Children. Yet she never stopped suing us for more child support. She even tried to have a residence set by including my income with his to base her child support on. She was unable to do it.

Eventually he gave up on seeing his children. He used to be depressed every Fathers Day. He raised our daughter who loved him. When SS1 got married in his 20's, we were not invited.

His ex-wife kept us broke, I had to work. She was high maintenance entitlement and raised with a Father who owned a company, and had real estate investments. She had free use of her Fathers attorney so sued us every year for massive amounts of child support. Father of Ex-Wife bought the home they lived it - it is owned by his Estate. Growing up, we got a yearly call from his kids with a Christmas list of expensive items.
Never got school pictures or information about them ever. Never even knew what they looked like in childhood or high school.
We offered them free college educations if they came to live with us and neither one took us up on it. I got to know SS#1 through social media.

Skip forward they are in their late 40s. One son, SS1 moved to Denver close to us and visited us several times. He was chasing a woman who did not want to commit. Both step sons were raised entitlement like their mother.
SS1. called us - "Do you think Dad will buy me a home for 400K?". (Grant me 400K). No concept of money at all. Like we can run to the bank and give him 400K.
SS1, knew we almost divorced 10 years ago his kids were part of our problem.

SS1 surprised us and flew to Denver on a visit of a woman he was chasing. SS1 came to our house uninvited and crashed a birthday party we were hosting for our daughter. INFORMING US HE WAS MOVING TO DENVER. He walked in with his girlfriend. His Father left the room.

SS1 Turned to me, "I expect you to leave my Father house - When will you leave?". He walked around our house like he was inspecting it to own it. I was unable to kick him out, his Father was thrilled to hear from him. I repeated the SS1 verbage to his Father who said, "My son would never say that". "I know my son". Funny our daughter heard it too. Our daughter told me, this step son is after money mom. I picked up on that too. After SS1 told me it was time for me to leave his Fathers house that did it for me. I could not stand him.

SS1 crashed our Christmas 2014, uninvited, and said his life wasn't working out with his lady in Colorado and he was considering moving back to Arizona
Nine months later SS1 was fired from his job in Colorado. He could never seen to hold a job down. He was fired or first let go from companies, he could be lazy. He had serious medical issues we were unaware of - his mother knew. Why would we know? He laid down and died in the apartment with his lady friend present. EMTs were unable to revive him. His Father was visited at midnight by the corners office - every parents nightmare.

His Father was very, very ill with PAH. I had a husband with 5 Drs, a heart failing, lungs failing and a Step Son's dead body at the coroners. I got custody of the body (girlfriend was playing common law wife but didn't have the money to even cremate the body). I hired a mortuary to get the body embalmed and shipped to his mother in Phoenix. I filled out a death certificate. His mother then delegated to me to have his things packed and shipped to her and his car put on a transport. I would have said no, except my husband volunteered me. I did have sympathy for her loosing her older son.
I then had to handle the sons life insurance - his mother was cutting herself and a basket case. It was over We were unable to attend his sons funeral - my husband was too ill for a road trip.

When I completed the work on SS1
Ex wife informed me SS2 and my husband need to connect they haven't talked in 5years. She was planning on pushing it.
SS2, we have only meet twice. My husband did not like his sons. They sounded like his ex wife - entitlement. No stamp of him on his children at all. Meeting step sons or having them call us always entailed do you think Dad will give me 100K and co-sign . . Etc. SS2 no college degree, rarely worked, visited us 7 years ago. He said he would wait on our coach while you go to the bank and get him 100K. He drove in from Phoenix to Denver, spent one Saturday at our house and expected us to give him money. His mother knew where he was, SS2 Actually said I wasn't asked to be born it's your turn. We don't keep money in the bank but in our 401K(s) - his and hers. SS1 was to call in a month or two. But my husband said no. This caused massive stress on both of us.

During his one day visit to Denver for 100 he was smoking something odd on my porch. I talked to my husbands ex who admitted SS2 was addicted to meth. Ex wife demanded my husband help her solve this addicted sons problem. He was wto get my husbands brother ( a Dr ) to admit him for drug rehab. You can not force an adult in detox.
SS2. Is still living at home with his mom at 48 years old and now 8 years a meth addict. He can not seem to get off meth permanently. His job is scoring drugs. He goes on binges and no one knows where he goes. He has a felony and 6 arrests, and 8 criminal court proceedings some for possesion of drugs, use of drugs, assault and battery on a RAP sheet. Nice parenting.

Fathers Day 2016 - SS2 coaxed by his Mother - he called his Dad first time ever on Father Day. Just get on a plane and come visit me. Take the golf cart at the airport. My husband was not allowed to go to 8,000 feet and flying may kill him.
I still need the 100K I asked you for years ago. No Dad did not go see him and two months later his Dad, my husband passed.
I called SS2 to inform him his Father passed. He was surprised, he sounded fine to me on the phone Fathers Day. If you saw him in person you would wonder why he was alive. He needed heart/lung replacement surgery.

SS2 was invited to the Funeral by me and my Husbands sister. In the car with my husbands casket in the hearse SS2 called : but No one invited me to his funeral lie. Probably too busy scoring drugs to come. YET Two weeks after his Fathers death, The flood of calls to me started from SS2. Why can't I reach you, we need to talk. Are you ok? Where are you? I really miss my Father.
I informed SS2 you blew away his funeral and have the nerve to text me. "I miss my Father". I do not wish to hear from you. GO AWAY, respect my grief. Get out of my life. Never call me again. Some of us loved this man.

SS#2 then created a special Facebook account for our nieces and nephews from his Fathers family.
"What happened to my Fathers property? I know what I was promised". Why is she in charge of his property I should be as his blood son. I am his real blood. Who is she? She isn't even related to him.

I responded I AM HIS WIFE OF 40 years, why don't you know that? Because you know so little about your Father.
Christmas 2016. SS2 posted on Facebook : ". I have waited long enough". Maybe I need to come to Denver for closure. "the way this estate is being handled is nauseating". My husband knew his son would demand inheritance. He promised him nothing, I asked 3x and other friends of my husband asked him he said I want my son to have nothing. He is a stranger.

We were smart enough to get an Estate Attorney and write a Pour over Will and Family Revocable Trust. SS2 was disinherited, in writing, by name, by his Father and his Estate Attorney. SS2 asked for a copy of the paperwork and I refused. He is not our immediate family. I wrote a formal response to SS#2 - informed him as Executor of the Estate, No Provisions were made for you in his estate. Your Father disinherited you. In the Pour Over will he said the following with regards to you.
"My only living son, name, who I am currently estranged from and have rarely seen in the last 40 years, I am leaving no provisions for. I am disinheriting him in terms of this Will and Living Trust".
This actor stands alone. SS cannot pull copies of the Estate Paperwork as they are deemed private documents in Colorado.
To find copies of the trust would cost $25,000. They are not filed in probate. Wills are in probate not trusts in Colorado.

He has been informed by me formally in writing, he was disinherited - As Excecutor of the Estate. He said my Father would never do that to his audience on Facebook. He can blame me all he wants, that does not change the answer. I then BLOCKED him on Facebook, BLOCKED him from texting or calling me again, and BLOCKED him from harassing me for money. Also blocked his mother.

My Husband was a good man, he wasn't perfect, But he deserved better from his blood children. We have had no input in their lives at all. No imprint of their Father - a real man and Engineer. They never became real independent men.

Recently I found out SS2 has a RAP sheet. We never knew - 7 pages long of criminal activities: Possession of drugs, Use of drugs, assault and battery, Failure to comply with court mandates. The yr my husband passed 09/2016 - His son was arrested 4x. No one can sue us again from that family. I am ready.

Rest in Peace My Love. Your wishes have been carried out as you wrote.
I am freed of step-children and ex-wives.


bethanco's picture

First Thank you to all who wrote comments. Yet I see my husbands brother took in a step child, loved her and raised her. There are blended families that work.

It is hard enough going through grief and loosing your husband. But to have a step son harassing you for his inheritance which no one told him he was getting. I told SS2 go away and leave me alone and Blocked him from texting or calling me so he created the FACBOOK account to harass and inquire of our family.

He was NOT going to go away without a check. I have to live too. I retired early to be a Caretaker to my husband. WE WERE not wealthy. His mother was wealthy and she isn't giving him money. Not sure if she is still wealthy - that was years ago. She wants him out.

When my mom passed, (Dad still alive) none of us (4 siblings) were asking or bothering our Dad for money or inheritance. We knew he had to live and needed that money. SS's mothers family do not even invite him Christmas.
For me the SAGA is over. His Mother has the son she created. He will be living with her the rest of her days. . . For me that is Karma

thinkthrice's picture

So sorry for everything you went through as an SM.

"my husbands brother took in a step child, loved her and raised her."

You see that is the difference: A stepDAD is almost always loved and accepted because he has the "BM's stamp of approval" (TM) on his forehead.

A stepMOM is seldom, if ever accepted and often portrayed as a villain.

StepX2's picture

I too am so sorry for your loss.
May you have peace from here on out from the loser son.

StepUltimate's picture

You are a survivor. My heart breaks that your SS's were withheld from your DH, that DH didn't get to raise & protect his sons, and that they never stood a chance with a bio-mom like that. Thank you for posting your story.

I am proud of how you were very clear with SS2's crazed demands and eliminated his ability to contact you. I also hope you have at least one big serious protective dog and some personal defense training in case that nightmare meth SS tries anything; he sounds scary & nefarious. Having a fierce guard dog helps me sleep really good. Plus I get a lot of exercise walking him every day.

Kes's picture

I found your account very moving. I am so glad your husband disinherited his son before he passed away. Condolences to you - but also well done on how you have handled things in what must have been a very difficult 12 months.
Make sure your house is secure and I like the idea of maybe a big dog.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Hugs. I hope you have a good security system in place in case SS2 attempts to break in and claim what he believes is his. My mother in law went into her deceased sister's house and took what she believed was "her's". I would definitely be on the alert for any funny business.

I hope you find peace and never have to deal with them again.

ctnmom's picture

What a story! I read this on my lunch and my heart goes out to you, my your husband rest in peace. Please be very careful, I don't like the combination of Meth and entitlement. Please have a good security system in place.

always_anxious's picture

I am so sorry for your loss and your struggles. Your husband sounds like he was a wonderful companion (his children were another story).

Stepped in what momma's picture

Your story is moving, I am so glad that SS2 didn't get anything!! Move on with your life with shoulders back and that chin up high.