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no visitation today! or for awhile!! yay!

bellacita's picture

when we went to court this wk my FH elected to not take visitation until the next court date at the end of the month bc he didnt want BM doing/saying anything in the meantime that could be used against us w the GAL. so the next potential day we would see SD is june. i am so happy!! no disengaging, no running away shopping from 530 til 8 bc i just cant deal w the whiny rude behavior, no DRAMA FROM THE BM, no having to see BM at exchanges, no fights about what FH did or didnt say to BM, no worrying about "do we have SD that day" when making plans...ahhhh. it feels like vacation! i know it may seem horrible, but honestly after everything BM has done, i really just need a break i think. im also curious to see how FH will feel after not seeing her for a month, and not having to deal w all the craziness and headaches that we have suffered at the hands of BM...


evilsm's picture

Not horrible to say or think at all. Blended familys add so much additional stress to our daily lives it is such a weight off our shoulders when we get a break. Enjoy yourself while you can.


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren