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Beenalongroad's Blog

SD13 wanted to kill herself.....wth?!?!

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Hey, my sd13 wanted to die and be with Jesus. This is what her dad and I were told Friday. Keep in mind that we had talked to her on Tuesday and she was normal. Then Thursday evening I talked to her. She was laughing etc with me. So when we got a text from bm on Friday with this we were and still are totally shocked! Heck I even , talked to her On her way to the hospital and had her laughing.BM Who hates me btw has told the therapist that SD was that Way with me and it was because SD didn't want us to worry. Seriously?! That is bizarre.

Livid.....Just Livid

Beenalongroad's picture

I get so sick of going back and forth with BM. I realize that she is a mother and I do honestly try to always see and make DH see that side of things. But this woman takes the cake on crazy. She is constantly threatening that SD is "old" enough to tell the judge that she doesn't want to come for visits anymore yet tells us that she doesn't think that SD is mature enough to be home alone for more than thirty minutes during the day and not at all at evening time. SD is 13. She is immature. Totally do not dispute that. But we don't leave our kids home alone.

Never thought crazy could get crazier!!

Beenalongroad's picture

So, I have a sd. She is 13. We do not live in the same state as her BM. SD is to spend between 6-7 weeks with DH during the summer. Originally this was split into a two week period followed by two weeks back with BM then a month with DH. This was the CO due to the you g age of SD when CO was put in place. For the past two yrs SD has just came for 6 weeks straight. This has given BM a break from buying the one flight a yr she was required to buy, btw.