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I could strangle my SD and her boyfriend!

bananaseedo's picture

Ugghhh, just an exaggeration but her boyfriend got a pit pup (8-9 months)a few weeks back. So far they've brought her over a couple times to play and honestly we love having her because they play awesome!!! She's a doll and her and my dog are best buds now. That said, last time she was here I warned her it seemed she was in heat and to get her spayed asap. It was early heat so even though my dog kept sniffing her like crazy wasn't trying anything. I told her at this point to wait until she was done w/her heat before bringing her back again. Well, they two came by yesterday to ask us to borrow a check cord (long one) -he yelled/howled at them like crazy -I told them likely he smells her on them.

How about last night they come by unannounced w/her in tow- in full blown heat they were going to a party across the street and wanted to see if we could keep her in a kennel in our garage-I said NO WAY- all this why she was flagging and he's trying to mount her and going ape shit and barking. I said absolutely NOT- I'm not listening to him howl for hours. Then asked if they could leave her in their truck in our driveway-I said NO-you should take her home guys, this is not right. THye parked across the street. Not sure what time they left but my dog has been howling/crying/barking ALL F****** night long! He's STILL whining/pacing...probably because her damn scent is all over the house now. I'm FURIOUS! What they hell are they thinking! This is what happens when irresponsible teens own dogs. They are getting her spayed later this month.

All dh could say was sorry-he never knew they were coming by- and hey- it's a good reminder of what it'll be if we have a crying baby all night. GRRR>>...

In spite of that- just going through the nervous motions and waiting for test results. My HCG/beta on Wed at work was at 2423- still waiting on Progesterone results. I went to my Dr's apt on Friday- still waiting for those beta levels. So it's a waiting game. As for symptoms-feel tired but not too much-main symptom is very sore breats,extreme bloating, frequent urination and occasional cramping/ovary pain/back pain. We've settled on going through with it-still have high chances of miscarriage at my age or even something being wrong which we wouldn't know until further in. It's so odd- I find myself so anxious about wanting levels to go up good and not losing the baby when in reality this is not something we even want. Incredibly conflicted. DF is supportive regardless.

Ok, well gotta go smack the dog lol- still whining (j/kidding on the smacking, though I feel like it).


Sweet T's picture

Hugs sweetie, you are in my prayers. I had bs10 at 39 after an ectopic...pins and needles. Both my sister and I were almost 40 when we had our babies after miscarriages and they are perfect.

Here is a wierd one for mom miscarried baby #4 on 4/8 my parents 19th wedding anniversary. I miscarried baby #1 on 4/8 21 yrs later, my sister miscarried baby #1 on 4/8 the 25th anniversary.

SMto2's picture

Very rude of them to do that with their dog! And your DH's comment?? OMG! I had 2 babies, and I don't EVER recall them crying "all night?!" I know it happens, but it's rare that they cry "all night," which I have no doubt your dog likely did. Maybe he meant it as a joke, but the fact that your DH would make that comment WHILE you're apparently TTC would really make me question whether he really wanted a baby.

bananaseedo's picture

Smto2- I don't hold it against him-we weren't TTC at all. We had another unexpected pg 3 years ago and lost it around 9 weeks- this time around we have BOTH moved on to a new chapter of our lives, neither of us really planned or wanted this to be honest. We do always use jokes to make light of situations-especially in our case right now. What else can we do.

The baby-if it sticks- will be loved and cared for deeply by both of us- but I wouldn't lie and say it's an adjustment period for us, I have an almost 17 and 18 yr old and he has a 17yr old (SD) - we are BOTH past baby having days...I'm 43. I won't terminate unless there is medical reason to do so (for baby or I).

Acratopotes's picture

Holding thumbs you are okay......

and for the poor dog being on heat, tell then to go and bay bitch spray, it disguise the smell of everything

mro's picture

Best wishes to you that everything goes ok. Now just tell me to MYOB if you want, but have you given any thought to getting DH (or you) snipped after this is all over? Close the baby factory for good? I know I was on the verge of doing so when I started dating again, being premenopausal and still fertile. It was out of the question for me to risk pregnancy at that point. Fortunately future DH had beat me to it.

bananaseedo's picture

Yes, we likely will. DF and I are engaged/live together-we've been together 9 years this year. We just haven't gone to tie the which he would be under my insurance. We likely will be just going to the courthouse and get the formality done and then he can go. Either that or I'll do something permanent. Seriously, I had an IUD placed some time ago (before my 40's pregnancy) and it literally FELL out lol. How and to whom does this happen.