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More Older Blogs -- Ahhhh SPRING!!! (Get out your BARF bags, ladies and gents!)

Auteur's picture

I entitled this one "BACKSLIDE" Four years ago as I can recall:

I come home Friday and Prince Hygiene runs up to me “look what I got at the blue store?” Blue store is baby talk for Walmart AND another local drugstore chain. I said “When did you get THAT?”
Prince Hygiene: “Today.” Funny thing is, he did't even ACKNOWLEDGE that GG got the toy for him!!! (aka Daddy bought me this toy)

Sure enough, GG had overcompensated because obviously his feelings were hurt last week when Prince Hygiene said he wanted to go to Wookie’s instead of daddykins (they supposedly were opening their pool)

This was just after the “talk” with Prince Hygiene that GG had saying that we can’t buy you a toy every time you come, blah blah. That lasted about 2 nanoseconds.

There was junk food galore, too all in all he spent about $30 on Prince Hygiene (something we can’t afford b/c our budget is EXTRA tight this month; auto insurance for the year, etc)

Prince Hygiene was acting his normal idiotic and annoying self of course. Saturday he ended up taking THREE showers, went to a b-day party; GG was concerned about the people that were hosting the party, b/c they, like normal parents, weren’t “helicoptering” the children and letting them play party games by themselves! GASP!!!! Well after dropping the Prince Hygiene of at 2 pm, we basically drove around until 3:30 doing various window shopping pointless activities until we could pick the Prince Hygiene back up. I was SOOOOO hoping that Prince Hygiene would just call and say he didn’t want to come back to our house; but no chance of THAT!
That morning he asked for Dunkin Donuts, and GG said “no, but would you like cereal” (he had purchased on his junk food and toy spree cocoa krispies for the Prince Hygiene)
Prince Hygiene: “ok”

Then it was on to shoe tying practice; Prince Hygiene said “I want to wear shoes that don’t tie”
Me: “then you won’t be a big boy”
GG practiced for about 30 minutes with Prince Hygiene; I could see the frustration building with GG b/c Prince Hygiene just didn’t want to do it. I walked away from that scene!

After, it was digging a new plot for the corn in the garden; of course Prince Hygiene got sick of this in 5 minutes; got frightened by a WORM and ran off. It was a beautiful day but Prince Hygiene wandered inside after crushing a returnable can with his bicycle tire, rendering it NON-returnable.
He kept asking when was Dad going to mow the lawn (it’s a riding tractor and of course this is a FUN activity). Prince Hygiene got to ride with daddykins and smirking at me all the time while I was running the rototiller.

Off to the b-day party to fill up on cake and ice cream; after we picked Prince Hygiene up he kept wanting to call the Behemoth and “Brainiac.” GG said no to his request to go home; bad for me, but at least he didn’t give the POWER to Prince Hygiene THIS time.

Prince Hygiene claimed he had a headache and couldn’t eat the home cooked meal of grilled pork steaks, stuffing and grilled potatoes. He took his third shower of the day and of course GG rewarded him for NOT eating his dinner with a big bowl of ice cream and choco syrup!!! Unreal!

I took a hot tub and of course GG was too busy snuggling and watching TV with the Prince Hygiene to put him to bed and join me in the hot tub!!!!

Sunday morning Prince Hygiene was up at 5:30 am waiting to snuggle with daddykins so laid his wet behind on the sofa waiting for GG who wasn't up yet. I asked Prince Hygiene "what are you doing?" Prince Hygiene: "lying on the sofa."

Me: "that's what BEDS are for."
Prince Hygiene again requested daddykins take him to Dunkin Donuts after I made him a breakfast of oranges and pancakes; he packed up his stuff and started taking everything GG bought for him home to the Behemoth’s like he usually did. GG went into another room and I explained to Prince Hygiene that either he starts bringing toys back or they don’t leave here!! He wanted to take the books I had just bought him to the Behemoth’s and I put my foot down on that. I also told him that we can’t buy him a toy everytime he comes over; I’m sure GG will derail THAT! GG forced Prince Hygiene to say "goodbye" to me as he was skipping off happily to the truck without a word. . .
HA! In his hurry to drop the Prince Hygiene off, GG forgot his wallet!!! NO DD for Prince Hygiene!!!


Willow2010's picture

I agree! Not even sure why they STILL fight over those kids. They are gone and out of their lives so why bring them up ALL the time? Not just here, but it sounds like you do in IRL also. It sounds like you are running out of things to fight about so are now bringing up past hurts. (also based on other post of yours).

Focus on you from now on. I seems like you need to get on with your life. I know you have all of these excuses for not leaving this terrible situation, but it sounds like it is really time to move on. You are torturing yourself! Take your own advice and get out and be happy!! GOOD LUCK.

Auteur's picture

My purpose in re-posting is to let others (newbies) see similarities in what is happening in their homes and recognize the pattern, then either get help ASAP or boot guilty daddy to the curb.

Also it is so pathetic it's humourous.

bearcub25's picture

This just makes me laugh thinking about Monday night.

SS12 was suspended last monday (jan 30th) for 2 days. He goes back on Thurs & Fri and the school calls on Fri and says that they will let SS stay at school if he tells the principal he will behave....little snot refuses so SO had to go get him. That is the 6th or 7th suspension since school started. SO told the snot that he had lost all of his Xmas gift cards.

monday the 6th was SD Bday. Well I was working my 12 hour shift. SO was taking SD to Walmart to get a present and instead of being a parent, he gave the gift cards to SS. SO's reasoning was that SS would cause a huge scene if SD got something and not him. This is true and the boy would trash SD's presents but THAT DOESN'T AMKE IT RIGHT.

Well I come home and SS12 in all his 2yo glory can't wait to show me what he got...I told him that I wanted to see what SD got as it was her Bday and she should go first. Then it's SS turn. He bought a pack of doughnuts, 2 liter of creme soda, candy bars (he did give me and his dad 1 each) and his mom a huge Valentine card.

Auteur's picture

"he did give me and his dad 1 each"

WOW that's progress. I never received anything from my skids that wasn't GG orchestrated.