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Here Comes the Reunion!!!

Auteur's picture

Next Friday GG will be having a counseling session with Brainiac there (SS14). Brainiac hasn't been at the house for almost 3 years now. No gifts have been exchanged for holidays, etc. Just a highly scripted note by the Behemoth every couple of months or so basically asking for GG's non-parental status babysitting services to be reinstituted for the Behemoth's sake (she rarely goes anywhere with her children UNLESS it can be SEEN by others she KNOWS)

This should be good. Break out the popcorn.

BTW Brainiac is failing all of his subjects in school but I'm sure will miraculously pass just before the last week of school is in session.


Auteur's picture

GG, Brainiac and that brilliant, brainbox of a counselor that GG saw the first time.

Auteur's picture

One of my former colleagues loves PBR and he's alternative lifestyle!! I think I'll try one tonight in his honour as he broke up with his long term live in BF recently!!

Auteur's picture

Oh she said she's not a counselor, just a "facilitator" of sorts. I have not a doubt that no real counseling or resolvement of issues will ever take place.

On the other hand, I have secured a seemingly knowledgable counselor for myself due to the impending reunion and I need to polish up my coping skills (hopefully a prescription for industrial sized xanax)

Auteur's picture

I don't doubt it for a moment!! Why GG has taken to blaming me. Oh and he told me I'm WAAAY more frigid than his ex wife. Don't see how that can be b/c he gets it practically every night! LOL!

I think he should just go back with her, bust up the marriage with her 2nd hubby and go from there. They're two of a non-parenting kind.

Auteur's picture

OH yes. Why this facilitator (who is no doubt one of the Behemoth's contemporaries) has stated that ALL sixth graders write/spell the way VD does!! It will be one excuse after another. A total blamestorming session and I will be the scapegoat.

I can show anyone otherwise in the school that I walk in. It only goes up to the 5th grade and yet the 2nd graders write better than VD.

starfish's picture

one week and counting, i personally can't wait to hear about the 100% improved gg & braniac after the facilitator spews her words of wisdom and understands how difficult it must be for the KID(S), having such a horrible sm figure and what stress gg must have trying to keep peace and make everyone happy, especially the most difficult to please, Auteur.

yes, have the pills ready for this one, it may exceed what those with the best coping skills could handle.

sweetthing's picture

The best thing that could happen would be for him to get back together with his ex wife. Maybe they could be like sister wives only brother husbands.

Auteur's picture

That sounds GREAT!!! I should call up DirectTV and suggest that it would make a great show!

sweetthing's picture

If you could make some money off them & their stupidity even better.

In all seriousness the least painful way to get rid of him would be for him to find someone else. I had a girl friend who had a total loser of a BF that kept getting her pregnant & blowing through her money, ruined her credit, isolated her from friends & family, was just a total ass. The only way she finally rid herself of him was when he found someone new while she was pregnant with their second baby. That was probably the best thing that could have happened to her.

Auteur's picture

I"m hoping for that scenario too. The latest conversation I had with him (last night) seems to indicate that he's setting himself up to excuse his "infidelity" to me (blaming me for all his problems)

Which would be a RELIEF!

Auteur's picture

I'm right there with you. I practiced them last night when he went into his "Email Skirmish Redux"