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The Skids still think they are going to Disney with Nasty this summer (Vent)

Anywho78's picture

Nasty has (again, for the 2nd year running) promised the Skids she would take them to Disney during her whopping week or less visit with them this summer. Last year, she decided the library was just as good as Disney (SO & I ended up taking them) but she promised (pinky swearing & everything!) that they would spend TWO full days at Disney THIS year. She told them in March via Skype that they could pick which parks they want to visit so the Skids have been talking constantly about which rides they want to go on & trying to plan their two days out to a T.

Well…guess what…she is doing it AGAIN! Nasty is unable to take the Skids to Disney this year. In fact, she probably isn’t going to have money to do much of anything, so I’m sure they will end up at the library…again. She is, of course, blaming SO because he “takes CS” from her but she has the money to buy concert tickets for her & XSD15? It doesn’t add up…she claims she isn’t going to have money to do squat with/for SS9 or SD8.

Here’s my issue. SS9 is a turd. When his BM lies (which is every time he talks to her), he turns into an A-hole with ME. Not SO, ME. The longer Nasty lets them believe that they will spend two glorious days at Disney, the worse he will be & the longer his turdishness will continue…again, with ME.

SO doesn’t want to “remind” Nasty to tell the Skids & he certainly isn’t going to break the news to them…he knows what SS is like & has referred to him as an A-hole himself…he isn’t in denial about the repercussions will be but once again, won’t do anything about it.

Oh the joys!


stepmom1183's picture

Yeah, my ss bm promised him a trip for DisneyWorld months ago. The trip is supposedly planned for October. Now, tell me why she would be "bribing" him with a trip like that when it's almost a year from now?!

Anywho78's picture

Nasty's been reminding them of the summer visit & trip to Disney every time she's talked to them...since last JUNE. She hasn't mentioned it in the (couple) of 10 minute convo's they've had with her since Spring Break but she won't tell them that they aren't going yet. :?

3familiesIn1's picture

My XH does this with BD12 - he is digging a hole. Don't make promises you can't keep. He promised her an iPodTouch for her b-day - even BD7 was telling me that BD12 was getting one as she was already trying to schedule her borrowing priveleges. Well he didn't get her one, he didn't get her anything !!! not even a card, I had to cry a little for her when I was able to, she was sooooo hurt - not even a card let alone not what he promised her.

Well, less than a month after that, he got himself a nice new iPhone4 or 5 or whatever they are up to now. Basically HER iPod touch in phone version. I wanted to go over and strangle him. He always has money for himself. Even my DH wanted to strangle him for this one.

Lets just say the hole he dug changed everything between him and SD12 - it was basically the straw that broke the camels back, before that, I would say SD12 had 2 homes, now she lives here and visits dad. I am sad that he tainted himself for her in her eyes. That example is one of the reasons I divorced him, many more, but his spending priorities were breaking me financially and his lack of judgement in always putting his entitled self first were my personal #1 reason.

Still hurts to remember the look on her face when I (stupidly not knowingly) and excitingly asked her. sooooo, how was your birthday at Dads's?? Whatcha get?? and she just looked down and shrugged and said very quietly, I don't know, I don't think he got me anything.

Ommy's picture

Shut him down. Yes it seems very mean but shut him down the moment he gives you attitude from hell. He is 8 he is old enough to start focusing his anger on the person responsible.

“SS I know that you are upset about your mother braking her promise about X, however it is not an excuse to treat me badly. I have done nothing to deserve it. If you would like to talk to some one I am always here for you but I will not be treated with disrespect.”

Yes it seems mean but it is necessary. If your SO isn’t defending you then you have to take care of your self. I did this to my SD and it worked, yes she was pissed and hurt that I said it at first but now she is beginning to understand.

Anywho78's picture

SO does tell SS off for disrespecting me but nothing we do works. This has been an issue since September (I've blogged about it before)...

Neither of us have spoken badly (or truthfully for that matter) to the Skids about Nasty...but it may be time that we start setting the record straight as you suggested.

Thanks Ommy!