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SD's birthday party at BM Redneck's house

Anywho78's picture

BM Redneck has invited us (SO, SS8, SD7 & myself) to attend SD’s (now 14) birthday party at her house on July 30th (her birthday is today). SO was told by BM Redneck that SD14 said “they (we) won’t bother showing up because Anywho hates me so my dad won’t bother coming because of HER…I HATE HER!!”…

If only I had the time & energy to hash out from beginning to end the idiotic story that is my relationship(s) with the teenage SD’s…lets just say that I started out with trying to just help out where needed & ended up hearing stories from 3rd parties about what a horrible person I am. The stories were filled with down-right lies…horrible stuff that would have made anyone cringe. The worst part is that my SO & his mother KNEW they were lies yet my SO expected me to just get over it because they were “just kids”. We nearly broke up over the drama but we were able to work through it.

SO has surprised me. Over the last 2 years, he has accepted that his daughters are malicious little turds. He understands now that I want nothing to do with them (for my own sanity) & (mostly) supports me in my disengagement from them. He understands that I have been burnt & that I’m not the type to rush out & stick my hand on the burner again…I learned my lesson the first time. SO also understands that I support his relationship(s) with his daughters & that I am okay with them coming into our home.

Here’s my issue…my SO has asked me to attend said birthday party for SD14, he even used pretty please!! He said that we would leave if any drama crept up at all & that he would be “forever in (my) debt”.

Do I want to…
Attend a birthday party for a hateful conniving malicious hideous deceitful little bitch
Spend the afternoon with redneck hicks
Sit at BM Rednecks house witnessing the resident Skids turn into little horrors
Watch as my SO is ignored by the birthday girl
Spend ANY time with BM Redneck

Of course, the answer to all of the above is a resounding HELL EFFING NO, I do not want to go. But my SO has asked that I do this…for him. This is the ONLY thing he’s asked me to do for the SD’s since our huge (almost breaking up) incident 2 years ago. I feel like I should go simply to support him in his effort to have a relationship with SD14…but BY GOD I DON’T WANT TO!

Anyone have some words of encouragement? I know many will say “don’t go” but I almost feel that I owe my SO for changing his view of his children by opening his eyes to who they actually are. Many BP’s refuse to do this…so I am going to go to support him the way he’s supported me throughout this nasty business that is BM Redneck & her spawn.


VioletsareBlue's picture

Don't go.
You said that he understands why you feel how you feel and what you have done to protect yourself. He's trying to guilt you into going. Stand firm, don't go.

Anywho78's picture

I'm hoping he stays true to his word that we'll be outta there at the first sign of drama...if he doesn't, I will never attend anything again.

SD15 is turning 16 in September & I know she wants us to go to her party too...she actually asked me personally saying she'd "love it if we can make it" so we are definately going to that one.

I don't see him expecting me to throw history to the wind over 1 or 2 okay SD days so even if everything goes smoothly, it will still be a one-time thing so to speak.

DaizyDuke's picture

I would go, I would hate every freeking second of it, but I would go to show that I was the better person. Put on a happy face, just sit quietly and take it all in.. if anything it will be something to laugh about in the future!

I actually hosted a birthday party for SD13 when she turned 10, at my barn. DH brought the grill, and cooked out, and I let all the kids ride one of the horses. It totally sucked having SDs Trailer Park Grandma, BM, and her three other ratty little kids there, but it was definately a good show. And the funniest part is, the horse that I used for the rides, is a super quiet, been there done that horse that I knew was not going to hurt anyone... well Trailer Skank BM wanted to ride, so I put on a happy face and tell her to hop up. For some reason (I seriously have NO idea why!) The horse freeked out a little after she was on and reared up (picture the Lone Ranger) The horse has NEVER, EVER done this before...Of course Trailer Skank freeked out but she did stay on BUT I had to listen to her the whole time I led her around... OMG! I could have died!, OMG, I've never been so scared? OMG why did he do that? DH almost peed his pants he laughed so hard and he gave the horse extra treats that night for a job well done!