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Also on the General Forum-Why SKs & BMs act the way they do toards us & are less than enthusiastic about us-unatural situations

Anon2009's picture

Let's think about it. Who is wired to want separated/never married/divorced parents?

Who is wired to want another woman mothering their kids?

We are the only species that does step/blended families. We are the only species that splits custody and has to "share" OUR kids with another woman/man who is not a bio parent.

Maybe we don't know what God's plan was/is, but we certainly know that blended/step families aren't natural.

And to add to that, most species parent their offspring correctly and never veer off track from how they, as a species, have raised and parented their offspring for eternity. They get it right from the start.

So to me, I can sort of see why these situations would lead anyone to go crazy, including BMs and SKs, and act the way they do. Yes, the way they act is frustrating too. But the reality is that they probably hate these situations as much as we do. Granted, the BMs contributed to these broken homes, to varying degrees. But I still think these situations do numbers on everyone involved in them.

The craziness and wacky-ness of these situations also lead me to believe that more of our hatred should be directed to these' kids parents, because they failed to parent their kids


Aeron's picture

My problem with the 'natural' portion of this argument is that in Nature, there isn't a norm between species around raising offspring. Wolves raise the offspring of the pack leaders all together. Tiger cubs are raised by mom alone, dad does not participate. Mom and dad birds will both participate in the raising, but there is one species of bird that lays their eggs in the nest of other bird species to have their children raised by parents of a whole different species, after having broken the eggs of the now adoptive parents. Many species have harems - lions, horses, sea lions.

So while stepfamilies may not be what we ideally want, I think that saying they're "unnatural" is.... a misnomer at best.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Yeah. I mean every animal that I am aware of (save for the angler fish where the male actually fuses physically with the female--which is gruesome at best) or the ones that die after mating/giving birth, have children from multiple partners.

Even humans, I'll bet, had that a long long time ago (well, some tribes still practice polygamy for both genders) where either one male provided the genetics for his harem of women and everyone came together to raise them, or the female wandered from tribe to tribe, being impregnated by several males over the course of her lifetime.