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Indefinite Child Support...

Annoyed1's picture

Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Child Support can be awarded indefinitely for children who are disabled and not able to work. This can be from numerous different things, autism, a physical disability, mental disability, etc etc. An acquaintance of mine has recently been told that he has to continue to pay child support, with no end in sight, for his son who has down syndrome. I remember always telling my ex to be careful, because BM was always wanting to take their oldest to a doctor to have him diagnosed. He was just lazy, but she wanted it to have a label. I informed my ex that if he gets diagnosed with something that would prevent him from holding a job, that he could be on the line for indefinite child support. He didn't believe me and looked into it and sure enough, it's true. If your BM is vendictive enough (and "smart" enough), it can happen to you too. I just hear of all these kids being diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, etc. I really wonder how many times this has been enforced. Mind you, this is in Canada and I'm not sure about the USA. Just a thought I figured I'd share with you. 


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

a lady I know got it. Her son had duchene muscular dystrophy. He was in a wheelchair and a feeding tube and a breathing tube nd had a sad pitiful existence. The doctors kept telling her to let him go and not let him suffer anymore but he was her meal ticket. She lived off of his child support and disability income. He died at 22 and it was crazy how fast child support ended  and the government cut her off. She survived off some go funds for about two months and then Lived with a sister until she was forced to get a job and support herself. This all happened In Florida where child support is supposed to end at 18

tog redux's picture

Hell, CS goes to 21 here even if you are able-bodied!

Thankfully, I think BM's narcissism would prevent her from wanting her child to seem "not right".

Annoyed1's picture

That’s so sad for him. It’s crazy how much some BM’s will hold their kids back for their own personal gain.

Siemprematahari's picture

It's sad that there isn't much that surprises me anymore........

It's a damn shame and I hope your H isn't placed on the hook if its not true.

CLove's picture

Good t know.

No dangerous sports for Munchkin sd12 then. She can just sit there on the couch all day/night whatever.

just kidding, sort of.

rozzann's picture

My SD's mother was trying to accomplish this since SD was born.  She is now 6 and we have had custody of her for the past few years.  It took a lot of work to show that she created and made up the SD's problems to make it seem like she was disabled.  No one now, school, therapist, friends, would ever believe she is autistic.  It is incredibly sad that some parents out there are taking advantage of the system and creating thier children to be disabled in order to have a permanent meal ticket.  We are in the US and our state made it a law that you pay support for a disabled child until death.  I saw what she was up to after looking into all of the doctor reports and docs that she kept hidden from my DH and managed to cut her off.  Unfortunately, this isn't the case for most other parents...

Best of luck and let me know if you have any questions or need any help on how we proved her wrong in court.  Oh, and I believe this should still fall under contemporary munchausen by proxy. (And just as a heads up, it is a daily fight to undo the mental damage she has accomplished with SD).

justmakingthebest's picture

This is literally one of my biggest fears with everything BM is trying to get SS diagnosed with.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I dont' get it. Parents that stay together aren't legally on the hook anymore when the kid turns 18? So why do we have a seperate set of standards just because the parents got divorced???

There's a different set of moral rules obviously. I feel like the majority of parents with an ACTUALLY disabled child would probably keep helping out in any way they could. But legally this makes absolutely ZERO sense.

Ispofacto's picture

Our BM doctor shopped for years to get herself on disablility, she finally got it at age 30 after four tries, and a large array of fake illnesses.  She finally got disability for "depression", which is considered a curable condition.  WTF?  Everyone is depressed.

By 2nd grade, SD was going to the school nurse at least once every day for phantom stomach aches and headaches.  Anxiety over having a psychopath for a mom.  She missed at least 18 days of school per year, K-2nd grade.

Then DH got custody for medical and educational neglect, and PAS.

I later had a conversation with GBM, and sure enough, BM's longterm goal was for SD to dropout of school and support BM.  She told GBM that she was going to get money from DH forever.

BM tried to have alimony retroactively ordered over two years after the divorce was final and both parties had been barred from alimony.  Her lawyer told her she couldn't do that.  Especially since she'd cheated on DH for over a year before she left him, bankrupt, for Mealticket, her new doormat.


Siemprematahari's picture

Parent's that portray their child is disabled for financial gain do exist and are out there. Have any of you seen this case?

The daughter had her mother murdered after years of being forced to be in a wheel chair and treated for illnesses that didn't exist. This is alarming and happens more than we think.