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I nearly had a heart attack!

AllySkoo's picture

SD24 came over this weekend, which was fine. She and her DH are planning on moving into an apartment with BM and stepdad. (The jawdrop icon just doesn't even do justice to DH's and my reaction to this news. Suffice it to say we believe this is a mistake of biblical proportions for every conceivable reason. I have even said to SD's DH that I am surprised he is agreeing to this. But that's not exactly why I'm blogging.)

All 4 of them were supposed to go look at apartments yesterday, but BM "didn't feel like it". SD24 was livid, as her current living situation is basically sleeping on BM's couch and she would like to get a new apartment pronto. SD24 was bitching about this to DH, and DH said the following:

"You know, if you really need a place to live...."

*and here is where my heart stopped for a second and I almost died*

"...there are a lot of apartments around here for rent."

You know in movies when they restart someone's heart, and they take this big breath when they come back to life? That was totally, TOTALLY my reaction to the end of his sentence.


AllySkoo's picture

I honestly don't know. Up until a week ago or so, they were sharing an apartment with SD22 and her BF and son. But SD24's DH and SD22's BF got into some argument over something stupid and SD24 and her DH went to stay with BM.

SD24 and her DH want to have a kid, they just got married like 6 months ago, I would think having their OWN place would be ideal. But as far as I know, they're not even considering it. I'm not sure why.

AllySkoo's picture

Which is EXACTLY why I said to her DH that I'm surprised he's going along with this. SD22 and her BF tried to live with BM. BM got hella pissed when she wasn't the one in charge of that relationship (not only couldn't control BF, but had more limited control over SD) and the BF eventually insisted they move out. SD18 and her (then) BF tried to live with BM with pretty much the same result. (Except SD18 stood up to her mom and BM got so pissed that she hit SD and kicked her out of the house.) If SD24's DH thinks he's different just 'cause he's got a ring, he'll learn differently soon enough.

DaizyDuke's picture

That is just weird! :? your MARRIED 24 year old ADULT SD is looking for an apartment WITH BM and Stepdad?? How is her husband even remotely OK with this? If I married DH and he suggested that we go live with MIL and BIL I would most definitely have to tell him where to shove it.

Good for you though... anywhere but your house is just A.O.K Wink

AllySkoo's picture

I know, right?!? I think it's insane.

I told DH though, I don't care who lives with who as long as BM isn't TOO close to us. (The plan is for them to be closer, unfortunately. Like "I could run into her at the grocery store" close. FML.)