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Don't Feed The Strays

AllySkoo's picture

Totally stole that from DtzyBlnd's blog. Smile (Just to give credit where credit is due!)

My DH is a sociable guy. He can talk to anyone, and he keeps friends forever. (His best friend is a guy he's been best friends with since he was 6.) So he sometimes gets Facebook friend requests from people from high school, middle school, even grade school. All fine as far as it goes.

He got a friend request from his "first girlfriend" - a girl he "dated" in sixth grade. He accepted, as he always does. And now she keeps sending him messages and calling him! Apparently, her current husband is in jail, so she gets bored. Lol I think I'd be more upset by this (possibly even jealous) if it didn't seem to be bothering him WAY more than it bothers me. I was sitting next to him for one phone conversation, and his entire contribution seemed to be "yeah" and "uh huh". When he got off the phone, he was so relieved!

Now every time she texts or calls and he groans, I tell him "Shouldn't have fed the stray!" }:)

I might see if I can rescue him soon.


AllySkoo's picture

It's in his FB profile, although I have no idea why he did that. It's possible (he's not exactly technically challenged, but it's not his area of specialization either) that he saw a prompt for phone number when creating his profile and just assumed he had to enter it.

Actually, did you know that's the best reverse phone number lookup you can use for free? Type in a number to the FB search engine and it'll show you who's number it is!