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These are the Days of our Lives….

advice.only2's picture

So interesting goings on in the social media world.  To lay out the players we will have our usual:

Spawn (DH’s estranged adult daughter) 

Meth Mouth (Spawns drug addict mother)

And lastly:

Close Friends Daughter (CFD also an adult and somebody who grew up with Spawn)

So the story begins when CFD finds some dogs wandering on the street and picks them up, she takes them to the pound and finds they are microchipped but the number they are listed under is out of service.  So CFD posts on social media to a local pet group about finding the dogs and they are at the pound.  Enter Meth Mouth, she begins private messaging CFD that those are her dogs.  CFD does not know who Meth Mouth is because she and Spawn have different last names, also CFD has never met Meth Mouth.   

Meth Mouth starts out polite then quickly devolves into accusing CFD of taking the dogs when she had been desperately searching for them all this time and now they are going to be euthanized because she can’t afford to get the dogs out of the pound.  Meth Mouth continues to attack CFD until she finally has enough and shares the PM’s on social media.

Enter Spawn, who reaches out to CFD asking her to remove the comments and stop attacking this “poor innocent woman”.  CFD responds back that she will not remove the comments as this woman is accusing her of stealing the dogs and has become unhinged in her messages.  Interesting to note in these exchanges that Spawn does not let on that Meth Mouth is her mom and instead calls her by her first name, which she even spells wrong.

Enter CFD’s mother who sees the comments and informs CFD that Meth Mouth is Spawns mother.  CFD responded to Spawn that she now knows this is her mother, but she will not be removing the posts since Meth Mouth is accusing her of stealing the dogs and threatening her.  Spawn blows a gasket calling CFD a c@nt, telling her she’s going to kick her a$$ if she sees her out in town and basically taking everything from school yard to ghetto in two seconds. 

Now from my previous posts Spawn and Meth Mouth like to present themselves as helpless victims of the world, in private they will show you who they really are, but to the world they appear to be these sweet innocent women.  Seeing the message from Spawn calling CFD those names and saying what she said, that is the Spawn I have known my whole life and had to raise.  That is the person that nobody else got to see, not even DH most of the time.  It was validating for me honestly and just goes to show Spawn has not changed at all.


AlmostGone834's picture

Spawn and Meth Mouth showing the world how trashy they are.... nice. I hope you grabbed the popcorn, took some screenshots for your scrapbook, and had a good chuckle at how they made themselves look like moronic scum.

advice.only2's picture

They really did, Meth Mouth changed her tone really fast once CFD started sharing the PM's on social media, she reverted back to the victim and playing dumb like she didn't understand what was going on.  My friend sent me all the screen shots and I showed them to DH, he just shook his head and was like "yeah I got nothing."

JRI's picture

At least the police weren't involved.  Last year, SD61 noticed an unknown dog walking alone down a busy adjacent street.  For all her flaws, she's an animal lover, tried to find an ID tag, no luck.  She and DH rode around the neigjborhood asking about the dog, no luck.  I have a firm "No pets" policy and I could tell SD was planning to foist the dog on me, no.  She offered to take it home and if anyone was looking for a dog, she'd bring it back.

Sure enough, later that day a woman came to the door asking about the dog.  I explained the situation and said I'd contact SD to bring it back.  She was hostile, seemed to think we were stealing the dog, said she'd go pick it up, whatever.  She did pick it up without thanking SD and I thought that was it.

Next day, a policeman came to the door.  A man was on a bike at the sidewalk watching him talk to me.  The dog had got away again and an ID chip showed it at our address.  I explained but the policeman asked if he could search for it.  I allowed that, of course, the dog wasn't here.  I'm guessing the chip hadn't updated from the previous day, not sure how they work.

As this whole scenario unfolded, I got mad.  I told the policeman to tell them to keep their da*med dog on a leash from now on.  No good deed goes unpunished.

advice.only2's picture

The thing I found interesting was Meth Mouth commented the dogs had never been to the vet...yet they were chipped...who knows maybe Meth Mouth stole them and they were escaping, she's on probation right now so I'm sure that could be a violation. 

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

their true colors! It baffles me that it seems like BM has a decent friend group or at least people willing to help her out. If they only knew BM's true colors, I doubt they would feel the same way about her, but they may never see it.

advice.only2's picture

It is nice to see every once in awhile their mask slips and the world gets to see the truth. 

Rags's picture

epiphany on social media.  Bare MM and Spawn's asses and get them front and center to the planet regarding their shit genetic make up.

They both need a reminder of how disgusting they are. And so does everyone else.


StepUltimate's picture

"... basically taking everything from school yard to ghetto in two seconds"

I'm dead from this! Thank you so much for the laugh, and sorry it's a true story for you. 


grannyd's picture

You and me both, StepUltimate! Advice's original comment had me snorting in a solid 'ol belly laugh; good for the soul.

CLove's picture

A little too little and too late. Looks like your DH has some crow to eat.