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SD18 Update

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She told lots of people she was pregnant.  Future sis-in-law let SD stay at her house; she had finished school herself and would be home for the summer so she could keep an eye on her and she was going to try to help her get on her feet.  SD brought bf to our house so that SO could talk to him man to man.  BF sat there like a lump - couldn't say one thing to counter all the points SO was making about the two of them - no education, no jobs, no business having a baby.   That was on Sat.  Between Sat and Sun, SO and I were beginning to doubt she was really pregnant because of things she was s

SD confirmed she's 6 weeks pregnant

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She stayed with us Tues & Wed night - I catch her in stupid lies OR she says stupid things about what she's doing in regards to her future.  Claims she has applied for jobs but never gets a call back.  My question to her:  do you go dressed like that? (Ripped jeans, sweatshirt hoodie, etc).  She saw nothing wrong with it.  She's a mess.   SO told her last night that he loves her but will not help her make a mess of her life.  He won't be giving her money, etc.  We said a lot of things to her.  Its going to be a continuing saga.

Oh f**k

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Sorry.  Found out last night that SD18 took an at home pregnancy test and it was positive.  She's supposed to make an appointment with Planned Parenthood for a test to be sure.  UGH!  She also got kicked out of the group home last week (she just told us that yesterday).  She has no place to live - she's been staying with different people.

SD18 acting out again

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She's a huge disappointment to her dad.  She's admitted to him that while she's not "trying" to get pregnant, she's not doing anything to prevent it either.  To me that means she's trying.  She's supposed to be going to this alternative school to finish and get her GED - we found out she didn't go on Monday.  She didn't go back to the group home she lives at last Sat - she didn't have permission for an overnight but did it anyway.  She's back to her same old behavior.  We try to be there for her.  We have her over on weekends (when she feels like coming over), take her places, spend time wi

The drama of SD18 continues

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Its been over a week since I've blogged & lots happened in that time:  wicked infection and tooth extracted (3 rounds of antibiotics and its still infected); had a nice birthday; had an ultrasound for a condition I have (dr called today, no changes - will repeat in 6 mos) and then drama with SD18 still. 

Heartbroken and angry

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SD18 texted SO tonite...she is definitely dropping out of school and says she'll get her GED. Who does that....drops out with 2 months to go?  She can't make it thru 2 lousy months??  He's so disappointed....was trying to talk sense into her. I feel bad for him. My heart breaks for her cause I know the path she's taking will lead no where.  At the same time, I'm pissed.  Wasted talent.

SD18 graduating is iffy

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SO and I went to her school last week and spoke to the guidance counselor.  As it turns out, there were parent-teacher conferences that night so we went back to speak to every teacher.  Her attendance is horrid and she's failing almost every class. Monday started a new semester - if she goes to class everyday and does the work and makes up some past work, it is possible she can graduate.  Almost every teacher says she's very bright and capable of doing the work.

BM is a POS

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Her bullcrap never ends.  SD16 was mad at SO for putting her $150 in a savings acct and not giving it to her (cause BM said she owed her money).    She wasn't talking to him and stopped coming over.  We saw her last month and she hugged us both and said she wanted to spend time with us but didn't know when. SO has  been trying to reach out to her via texts mostly but no answer.  He also reached out to BM and she always tells him that SD isn't ready to see him; that's she trying to get SD to talk to him but she just doesn't want to, etc.  We went to the Public Market on Sat to see SD (she wo

Thoughts on this?

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Still at work...SO will be picking me up at 8pm and then we're picking up SD18 - she's sleeping at our house tonight.  He just forwarded a text she sent him asking if he would mind taking her friend & baby to the baby's father's house again (I did it last time) cause she's going to have a lot of groceries to take over there tonight and since its snowing and cold, she doesn't want her friend to take the bus.  My first response was f**k cause I'm tired and just want to go home.  Then I said sure cause I don't want an innocent baby out in the cold like this.  BUT - what I want to know is w

CS enforcement unit not cooperating

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One of my previous blogs stated that the judge that signed off on SO's divorce also granted him a reduction in child support since he is carrying his girls on his medical insurance.  When he took the decree to CSEU, he was told it would go in effect soon and that it would most likely be retroactive back to Jan when insurance started.  Happy news, right?  Well, he called them yesterday to ask for the status and was told by another person that they are NOT going to change the amount since his original custody order didn't declare that he HAD to carry them on insurance.  He was so ticked off. 
