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Update to my last post about CCTB

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In my last post about Child Tax benefit, long story short BM owes back half what she received in the last 3 years back to the CRA (equivalent of IRS in Canada) and I got the half our home should have received.

Turns out, she suckered DH into signing a letter stating SS was only in our home officially week on week off since July 2019.

First off..."officially" it's been since end of October 2019. On paper. Signed by both parents.

Karma baby

secret's picture

Timeline of events:

I filed for child tax benefits going forward.

BM received a letter indicating that she would be receiving half the child tax benefits she's currently receiving, going forward.

BM threw a fit.

I sent in a copy of their well as a copy of all the email back and forth....which happens to include multiple references of ss being here half the time (and more) since 2016 

My application was not only approved going forward.....but also approved retro 3 years. 

Lol pattern at school....

secret's picture

It's been a few weeks now where the school has been emailing every day with an update on ss.

Today was a terrrrrrrible day for ss at school. Climbing on windowsill... looking straight at teacher after she asked him to stop doing something and kept doing it anyway... 3 separate times... no written work..  just a brat all day.

Last week, he had his moments but overall a good week.

The week before, total shit. Choking another kid style shit.

Can you see a pattern? Can you guess which parent he's at on which week??

BM still a dingbat...

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She totally shot herself in the foot and it was kinda glorious, not gonna lie.

Week on week off has been the norm for a little while now. BM can't seem to handle it... oh well.

SS hasn't been doing well in school... he's been extremely disruptive... hasn't been listening...has been refusing to do seat work... and doing severe things like hitting other kids, even going as far as choking one kid... hands around the neck strangling type choking. 

Needless to say, the school has called several meetings lately to discuss.

Dh eats his words

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Lately I've been a little more disengaged.... not because of anything dh or ss did, but because I've been spending more time in the garden and doing summery things. 

Dh today said something along the lines of me disowning his son... I asked him wtf he was talking about... he said he noticed I don't do all that much with ss lately.

Uh... ok. So I said that I wasn't doing any less than HE was... that it's ok for him to chill in the garage instead of doing stuff with his kid but that if I do something that doesn't involve his kid it's disowning?

Who is the tag along, and am I over thinking it?

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DH asked me if I wanted to go for a bike ride yesterday after initial reaction was yes...but I said No, that I didn't feel like being the tag-along.

He asked me to I said... "are you asking me to go on a bike ride with you, or are you asking me to join in on a father/son bike ride?" He said it was the same thing... I said no, that he wanted to go with ss and asked me to join in...rather than wanting to go with me, and bringing him along.

Piss on the floor

secret's picture

When i woke up this morning I stepped into the bathroom... saw piss on the floor.

I go downstairs... say to dh "baby there's piss all over the floor in the bathroom upstairs"

He says "not a chance. It must be drips from when I washed my hands."

I tell him "the sink is dry."

He says "So? It's from washing my hands."

I go on "Ok, but it's yellow...and it's a puddle, not drips."

He says "how do you know it's yellow? The floor is yellow."

(The tiles are a very light beige, almost cream. Seriously, dh??)

So i just say "Ok then...."

My brother is getting married

secret's picture

In October.

Kids are invited.

I don't want ss to go...because I don't want either of these options:

1) to feel dateless while ss crawls in dhs butt all night wanting his dad to himself

2) to be embarassed at ss's shenanigans 

3) my kids get stuck watching him

4) he's still a PITA even if less than before

I broached the subject with dh and he clammed up.



secret's picture

Biphentin is what ss takes. Dh left the bottle on top of the fridge, so I looked at it. Of course, BM removed the sticker from the bottle so there is no info about the doctor etc...

Dh is against ritalin. Tells me she agreed to no ritalin.

Ss has a heart murmur. Biphentin can cause issues where there is a heart condition.

Dh is ignorant.
