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Acratopotes's Blog

O/T - Truth.... or dare

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Fine I'm reading about all the crazy BM's, Disney DH's.. evil SM's (yes yes I read my own postings cause I am awesome)

Who's got the balls to tell the truth...... no sugar coating I'm on a diet..

Does you parents approve of your current relationship

How did your parents act first time they met your partner

How pissed of do you parents get because you no longer visit monthly/spend every Christmas/TG/Easter

Who's parents are still thinking you are their child and they can tell you what to do...

Sunnyskies - Where's our weekly blog!!!!

Acratopotes's picture

I was waiting and waiting.... but you are not reporting....

did you give up your healthy life style just as you convinced me to start... why am I suffering now and you are eating away on tarts, children and wine :?

Well I hate this thing I told myself I can do, but My Daddy did not raise a quitter....

Day 1 : Woke up and grunted cause no coffee... after the 3rd apple I was starving... that evening I went mad for steak (I don't even like meat) but I ate fruit in stead

Middle children

Acratopotes's picture

After reading a couple off times this is very interesting......

Who would you say is the "red head orphan child"

The most photo's is with the first born, they get everything new, and are always the Gran's favorite child, but as soon as there's a sibling these poor buggers are forced to grow up immediately, cause now they are the big brother/sister and they have a whole lot of responsibilities...

O/T - artificial colorants and non-artificial colorents...

Acratopotes's picture

I'm sounding like spam, but I'm curious and maybe some one can enlighten me....

I'm eating chocolate eggs with candy coating, blue,green,yellow,red,orange, pink and brown, it's similar to M&M's just taste better....

across the packet is printed - no artificial coloring....

the question is - where does one find colorful sugar to make candy to coat chocolate, isn't all colorants artificial?
It's not like the eggs taste like strawberry or banana or orange...

what other ridiculous food labels do you know off..... that makes you go WTH??

O/T how to keep the flame burning in your relationship

Acratopotes's picture

It's normal for people to feel disconnected, in original families and in blended families, I think even more so in blended families, cause one partner would like to do something and then oh NO... BM surprised us and dropped off the skids...

Yeah in blended life you can not arrange a quick surprise date... you will end up being disappointed.... cause some how, skids and BM smells it and troughs a spanner into the works.

How do you keep the flame burning in your marriage/relationship... skids set aside..

ot - words

Acratopotes's picture

fine fine I'm bored, elections is over, people are still fighting.. dammit trump won, nothing you can do about it...

now lets play a game....

put down the first word (or 5) that pops into your mind when you read this blog

mine is...

booze time

Cinderella Effect -

Acratopotes's picture

I'm bored again and started searching stupid things, like stas between skids killing SM or SM killing skids...

I stumbled upon this.... and I must say, I'm deeply shocked and offended and can't believe I was so stupid to believe all of you.... claiming you are disengaged, you feel nothing, you do not touch the skids, blablablabla

Now I have to read that you all are child abusers, those poor poor skids,.... it's either that or we need to tell those researchers about this site and all the SM's here - I just copied couple off things

The witch is off

Acratopotes's picture

All of you are preparing for Halloween, this is the time for all witches/trolls/wizards to get together and have a good week of boozing.....

I might peep or I might be to drunk... enjoy the troll stage coming up...

i mean witch celebrations

You all are great ladies, no man would ever get you down and remember - PAINTHANDS - YOLO

Don't ever cry when it's over

Laugh for what the next bitch has to go through !!!!!
