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AJanie's Blog


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I just started reading Stepmonster, so far I find it a little pretentious but very informative.

After reading the first few chapters, I have some questions for you all.

Do you feel walking into this life with young skids (infant to 9 years old) makes a difference in the quality of the skid/stepparent relationship? Is it "easier" for stepparents who are with their skids earlier in life?

Weekend away update.

AJanie's picture

I was wrong about how the order reads regarding vacation. The "one month" notice is about who gets what uninterrupted week for summer vacation only. The paragraph on vacation reads as follows: "Defendant/Plaintiff must provide an itinerary as to where minor children will be staying if taken out of state on a vacation." That is all it says, so at least she can't pull the "I didn't get adequate notice" card.

Still undecided if he will provide itinerary when we are in route or beforehand.

SD's smart mouth

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I love my SD. I truly, truly do. She is attached to me, looks up to me and is a snuggly, adorable little thing. That being said, she also has a smart-ass mouth and after a few days it starts to exhaust me. After awhile I get sick of regurgitating "ask daddy" or "I don't know honey but you have 4 people who love you sooo much" ... and I just feel like being real with the kid.

Back in the stepdrama full force this AM - my email

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I know I was doing alright being semi-disengaged but I entered back in the ring this morning for another round. I can't watch DH get beaten down like this any longer!!! Below is the email I sent the attorney (names left out to maintain some sort of anonymity:

Dear ________,

I know I said I didn’t want to be CC’d on any emails (my apologies, I was in the throes of a breakdown after a horrible few weeks financially and otherwise.) I just can’t keep silent about some of the things I am seeing!

Step drama and PMS are a terrible mix.

AJanie's picture

BM blew DH off for Halloween as I feared she would. He showed for his court ordered trick or treat night and she wasn't home and phone was off. He was devastated, it was hard to see. Now he wants to reopen the case and it'll be more court drama. The cycle continues. Funny to think early on in our relationship I thought their was an end in sight and some sort of peaceful resolution would be reached. Haha. Rose colored glasses for the win.

Suddenly BM now wants to co-parent for the very first time.

AJanie's picture

I posted yesterday (and took it down) about SS10 being afraid of BM's boyfriend's anger.

DH's lawyer read the frantic texts SS sent DH after the boyfriend scared him the other night -- and said she is going to try to get court ordered counseling for skids. She suggested DH message BM suggesting counseling and send her the convo.

Of course, BM was not receptive. She got mad and started telling DH he needed counseling, he is sick in the head, etc.

Step Lessons

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This life has taught me some pretty valuable lessons. Felt I needed to add em to the blog on this fine, quiet morning at the office.

It has shown me how poisonous envy, anger and resentment are to the human spirit.

It has given me insight into motherhood that I would not have experienced otherwise. The stress, the joy, the anxiety, the pure chaos of it. I never knew a 7 year old could have the ability to break my heart with her words.

Getting SO hard to keep my mouth shut...

AJanie's picture

None of this is new to anyone but... BM is back at it. I just really need to vent about it.

There was a few week lapse in child support because there was a screw up with DH's checks. (They are issued from an out of state bank, long story).

He told BM what was going on. He told her that when he got his checks, her money would be sent. During this time he still purchased his son his football gear on a credit card, as it was agreed he would take care of that. She *seemed* understanding at first.
