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Amcc13's Blog

Sad times

Amcc13's picture

I had posted recently that things had taken a turn for the worst and I was starting to plan my exit. I can’t go right away due to job contract but I am making my decisions on where I go next job wise based on the fact that I will be alone 

another massive blowout tonight - I get home exhausted and say hello and get ignored. I say something about it and apparently it’s my fault cause I didn’t talk in the car while driving them down to drop off point 

Forming an exit plan

Amcc13's picture

Yeh it’s been coming a while but I think yesterday just kind of took the cake 

I don’t really help out with the steps - they are not interested in talking to me or being involved with me so that’s the end of that. Not going to break my backside for them. Partner keeps trying to force family activities on us to create some sort of bond- hasn’t happened so far. 

Freak out

Amcc13's picture

Partner has a very difficult mother who has taken a long time to set boundaries
She thankfully lives abroad so we don't see her that often
She was suppose to come for what I thought was a month (has her own house near where we live)
I discover today she is coming for three months !!!
Literally nearly had a heart attack - I can bite my tongue for a month to get through xmas but three months of torture???


Amcc13's picture

Hell hath no fury like me at this moment.
I am on my way to a wedding and before leaving the house went to get my driver lience from my favourite bag - partner bought it for me while we were away.
I went to pick it up and discovered the handle and side where sticky - on closer inspection someone has split something sticky (my bet is on coke) over the bag. It has gotten onto the inside and all my stuff was sticky as well!
And of course no one said anything and no one cleaned it up- the level on the inside is so much I have to consider this is deliberate

Update on the wedding weirdness

Amcc13's picture

So just to update you guys on what happened :
After the next morning showdown in the carpark I decided the best thing for me was to head back to my parents and get some head space. Everything was very raw and I was very angry and hurt and I wanted to just get the head together before I said anything else to anyone. I read through all of your responses and I want to thank you so much for helping me - you guys are great
