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Sleeping arrangements?

3LittleDragonflies's picture

We *FINALLY* move into our house this weekend... barring something else going wrong. Windows finally arrived Tuesday and were installed yesterday!!!
Now, there are a few ways I could arrange the girls sleeping. I have a large bedroom (bedroom A) and a tiny bedroom (bedroom B). Bedroom A could fit a trundle bed or a single bed and crib or two single beds. Bedroom B could fit either a crib or single bed. SD2 is used to cosleeping with GBM. Her cosleeping with DH and I is not an option. She’ll be overnighting at least one night a week.
I’m thinking I could either put BD1 and SD2 together in Bedroom A and make Bedroom B NB’s Nursery or put BD1 and NB in Bedroom A and make Bedroom B SD’s room. Thoughts?


3LittleDragonflies's picture

No, the idiot landlord didn't have it up to code and there were windows missing from the previous tenants (also some pretty wacky paint jobs.) Since I used to work for the town we're now living in, I pointed out the parts that the landlord was responsible for (Namely, the windows missing and not being tempered glass.) He had to replace the windows in the upstairs before we could legally live there.

oldone's picture

I have no suggestions but I got new windows yesterday too. I managed to be gone all day so my husband could deal with it.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I watched from my mother's house, she shares a driveway and idiot landlord with us (which is how I got rent cut waaaay down so that I could afford it).

PeanutandSons's picture

Do you know the gender of your new baby yet?

If its another girl i say put your two bios together. If its a boy have a girls room and a boy room.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Thanks Smile

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Another little bundle of sugar and spice. My husband says in about 10 years we'll just drown in the sea of estrogen Blum 3

PeanutandSons's picture

Then def put your two together. Save yourself some huge headaches down the road.

purpledaisies's picture

I agree bd1 and sd2 in big room and baby in the little one. Several reasons first sd2 is only there a 1/4 of the time and babies are up a lot and wouldn't let bd1 sleep. Then it will help sd2 being with someone if she is used to not being alone. Thus may change as they get older but that us what id do right now.