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Lord, give me Patience, because if you give me strength I need bail money to go with it. (O/T)

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I swear, this woman is out to drive me insane.
My mother came over right as my BDs were getting up from nap. She REEKED of vodka.
I came out of my room to her holding BD2 and stumbling around saying she was going to bring BD2 home with her (cue me beginning to panic). She then stumbled into SD's room and started saying how people keep giving us stuff that we don't deserve (DH's aunt and uncle gave us a bed they don't use anymore) and asking where I'd gotten the bedding (Walmart.....). Then she started in on Halloween, and how great the girls will look as little lions. I told her BD2 won't let me put the costume on her (true) and that I was going to get her a different one (a princess costume because BD2 likes princesses). She jumped up and knocked BD2 over, then started saying how nothing she ever does is good enough and I don't deserve all she does for me. Then she started saying how I was a horrible person for trying to steal a baby from a mother and she hopes CPS comes and takes my kids away and gives them to her since I need to go to classes to learn to parent (I'm going to some parenting classes offered by my church because I want to be the best mom I can be...). Then she almost fell down my stairs and told me I needed to "move [my] f****** c*** off of" the stairs. There wasn't anything on my stairs...

She wasn't always this way... I miss her acting like a mom.... Sad

And before anyone says it, I thought the doors were locked. Guess I have to start double checking, DH probably went out the back earlier and left it unlocked.
