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MJL2010's Blog

Sad and ironic

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When BM moved to Fabuloustown and began crafting her new persona and alternate reality, 15 years ago...she was quick to mark her territory by making BFFs with all the twins' friends' moms. Most of them believed the version of DH and me that she presented them with. I remember being completely blanked by the moms in twins' friend group on the day of their middle school walkthrough. I found out yesterday that the meanest mom- the one I still remember staring at me hatefully that day, has since gotten divorced from her kids' dad.


MJL2010's picture

It has been some time, Steptalkers!

Just want to reassure you all that narcissists gotta narc. After a few years of "peace", including a couple where *I* was the one that SSstwinsAandB18 and DH called upon to appeal to her ahem rational side and even talk her off a ledge a couple times. We were Facebook friends...

....and then the college process began. 

"Will dealings with BM ever get better?"

MJL2010's picture

No, grasshopper, not if your BM is a narcissist. 

If your troubles with BM are entirely becaue of a silly misunderstanding, you're probably not even reading this, because chances are that you were NOT searching for a site to come vent to make sense of the insanity!

So TEN YEARS LATER, I have stopped feeding into her nonsense....STOPPED thinking that I could make things better if I just emailed her ONE MORE TIME....STOPPED reacting to her insanity. I have had no direct contact with her for the better part of a year. 

College town

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My college town, a small town in the northern part of my state that is not a popular vacation destination or a thoroughfare, is full of amazing memories for me. I have lots of ties to it but rarely get there. The last time I went was for a sorority sister's funeral almost two years ago. 

Holy crow, BM

MJL2010's picture

You have not seen your children for three weeks.

I know your time is more important than anyone else's, but do you think that after being an hour late and keeping them waiting, you could possibly get your pompous ass here? You are excited to see your children, right?

Oh wait- that's right- you have many important things to do before you get back to single mothering again. 

Ooh posting on this site worked magic today. She just arrived! *dance4*


Classy BM

MJL2010's picture

Found out on a soccer tournament weekend in another state that BM is just as classy as ever. I have not had any unnecessary contact with her in the better part of a year, so there was no provocation that I'm aware of. It has been pretty quiet where I'm concerned, or so I thought. Anyway, I'm going to write this like a play.


MJL2010's picture

BM has just commandeered the first two weeks of my summer break. Her mother has been ill for a while with a completely optimistic prognosis. Yesterday out of the blue she emailed DH saying that her mother is not well and she needs to go to be with her in her mother's country and it will be for two weeks and can he take the twins. He, being a good person, said yes, of course. I got thinking later that this is just on her say-so; she could be making up that her mother has taken an unexpected turn. If she were doing that badly, wouldn't Nut Job want her sons to see her mother too? 

Land of Confusion

MJL2010's picture

BM quit her most recent consulting job, which had her spending half each week in NYC. She told SStwinsAandB13 NOT to tell their father, but of course they did. DH has known for two weeks that she is no longer traveling. Yet, in emails regarding day-to-day, she insists on keeping up the facade that she is still working and traveling. He is going along with it because this denial of reality (regarding how he perceives her) is the only thing keeping her tethered to sanity right now. Yuck. Whole lotta crazy!!!



Nut Job refusing to parent

MJL2010's picture

So after not seeing SStwinA13 during vacation week, and after refusing DH's request to sit down with DH and SStwinA13 last week to go over behavior and expectations, this horrible woman has said that SStwinA13 is no longer welcome in her house until DH fixes the problem HE CREATED. This was in response to yesterday's email from DH asking what time she'd like to drop SStwinA off here next weekend since she will be taking SStwinB13 to Boston for a soccer tournament (that incidentally I will be attending with DD12). Thank goodness Boston is big!

