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Another Paycheck ddown the drain

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Well SD 18 just blew another paycheck and didn't save a dime. She just bought frivolous things at the fair. She ended up going with my sister and my sisters BF to a concert and they got into the fair for free afterwards....that is where she dumped all her money.
I wonder if it would be fair for me to just tell her she either saves her money and moves out or she can go live with her mother or one of her crazy aunts??

I can't talk to her dad about it. He doesn't have a clue what to do about her. Obviously!
What really pisses me off is he is quick to get after our kids (DD 8 and DS 4) and he doesn't do or say anything that means anything to SD. Nothing that sticks anyway. I am just sick of it!!!

she is so nasty to the little kids...talks mean to them all the time bosses them around etc. My DD 8 gets mad and won't listen to her, then if DH is around she gets in trouble!

I do okay some days, where things feel okay, but then there are days like today....when i have to tell SD she needs to do her chores, and she is dressed trashy, for some unknown reason because she doesn't go anywhere....she was wearing ripped up jeans (yes there is that trend) but these jeans she ripped even more by her upper thigh...and if she moves just right you can see her underwear...yuck. Just trashy IMO.

I just don't want to live with her in my house anymore.

DH is crabby lately because he has to pick her up from work at night...she gets off at midnight and lately they have been later closing so it is more like 1am...and he has to work in the morning...but its his kid and I refuse to go pick her up for him because of the way she has treated me over the years and currently. So he is crabby from lack of sleep and he takes it out on the little ones. That really pisses me off. I told him last night if he has an issue with her getting off late then he should tell her to save enough money to take a damn cab! He says...or get a different job....yeah sure, whatever. So he and I are not speaking at the moment because he was ripping the little ones last night for no real good reason other than he was crabby and that pissed me off.