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Counting down the days.....

frustratedstepdad's picture

33 more days until the deadline we gave SD21 to have her own place. I know she has not been saving money though (a week ago she didn't even have $10 to get her prescriptions filled) so I don't plan on holding my breath. *SIGH* DW gave me her word that SD21 would be moved out by then, but I have a feeling her word doesn't mean much at this point. God help me.....


kimmyd584's picture

My SD does not listen to us at all.
Tomorow is her birthday party, and i was supposed to be making cupcakes and doing party stuff all day today. She has been in trouble this week and my husband threatened if she kept it up she would go without a party this weekend. Well ever since then she has been good enough to get the party. This morning, I asked her if she had brushed teeth, washed face etc for school. She tells me she didnt wash her face because she feels like the face pads dont work for her. So she just doesnt wash her face now.

Learning to Settle In

pinkb's picture

I've been "lurking" on this site for some time... I would really like some guidance from someone who's been around the block a few more times than I have.

I am newly engaged to a fantastic man that I have known for a few years. We have been blissfully happy since we reconnected last year. We dated a few years ago but neither was in a space to "settle in"... but we finally ended up in the same city again, etc.

OMG am I losing my mind

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

OMG am I losing my mind or is this shit going to happen everytime things go good. My fiances ex wifes sisters kid gave him 3 small graduation pics, I thought there was only two, but guess not. Anyway they were on our mantle in the bedroom and I got windex on one and threw it out coz it got white spots on it, so what, no sweat off my ass. Well, the other one or two whatever it was is missing and I did not take the other. But you would think to god I put a curse on the friggin thing. Anyway my fiance took my 5 yr old grand daughters pic off the mantle and wont tell me where it is.


habsle's picture

Since I have started to treat SS like an adult since he decides that it's okay to yell and scream about dinner choices and what he can and can't do (like an adult) he decides to write a note and hide it behind my back to his daddy about it. I showed it to DH and all I got is "wow at least he's having deep thoughts about it" Really that's all you have to say. Wow is right... I have given your SS some responsibilities such as showering and eating and getting homework done and that's what I get....

MIL just screwed up our relationship with BM

briarmommy's picture

THere has been a lot of stuff going on with BM that I haven't been blogging about because it is just a cluster fu*k. But DH and I were dealing with it. MIL in typical overbearing behind our back fashion though just screwed it all up. We started slowly putting together a case for us to have custody we have been trying to get DH more involved with SS's teachers and doctors because he was lacking in that area, putting together facebook evidence, etc...we had a long term 1yr plan to go in for custody.
