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New to Step Talk but SO THANKFUL!!

momma2c1222's picture

I just stumbled upon this forum and my heart has skipped a beat and I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders. I have spent 7 years feeling like I am the "Evil Stepmother" but I now see I am not alone. Let me give you a little back story: (I will try to keep it short and sweet!)

My DH and I reconnected (old friends from JH and HS) about 7 1/2 years ago. We had been together about 7 months when we received word that he was a father. We decided to stay together but then we ended our relationship so he could attempt to make a family with SS and BM. Back and forth, back and forth.. fast forward and we get back together and get married. I have never been a huge fan of kids as I am not an affectionate person BUT I always put SS best interest first and made sure he was taken care of, provided for, and was always safe. I put a stop to bad mouthing of BM in front of SS when my DH would continually say horrible things. BM is a piece of work- she doesn't see SS more than 1 time a week and my SS lives primary with his grandmother (BM's mother).
DH and I have 22 month old little boy who is MY WORLD. I never realized how much I could love a child until I had him and sadly, the feelings just aren't there for my SS. Most days I don't even really like him and he just annoys the hell out of me. My DH is pissed that SS has a shitty BM so he takes it out on me for being so good to our son. He is trying to make me feel guilty that I don't treat them the same and I just get defensive each time and resent my SS even more. (yes I know it's not his fault but I can't help but get pissed off!). DH doesn't put effort into our son like he does my SS because he says that he has to make up for SS not having a mother and our son gets all my attention.
My in laws are HORRIBLE to me and my son and actually have not seen him since the day he was born (almost 2 years ago) but they have a relationship with SS. They actually told me that my son didn't mean anything to them. Which makes me resent my DH and SS even more because my son is suffering because of it.
I have continually said that it is not my son's fault that my SS's mother is a POS but my son will not suffer and be put on the back burner because of it. My DH expects me to hold back on loving on my bio son as much when my SS is around so he doesn't see the difference and I just do not think that is something that I will or ever want to agree too. My son deserves to have his Momma's attention and love and shouldn't have to suffer because of some other woman's incapability to be a mother.
To make matters worse- my DH has told me that he would have never even stayed with me if I was the one with the child and he was the step parent. HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?!?!?

My parents/siblings/family see my SS as my husband's son. They are EXTREMELY nice to him. They include him in everything during the time that DH and I have him but they don't see him as a grandson/nephew/etc. As he doesn't see my family as grandparents/aunts/uncles/etc. because my DH never really pushed for that relationship to be fostered. Now that we have a son of our own my DH blames me for my family not being close to SS.

It's a HUGE mess but what it boils down too is I am just needing someone to tell me that I am not expected to love/feel/see my SS as my own son. I just don't see where that connection can ever happen. I have been put down for the last 2 years thinking that I am just a horrible person because I can love my own son to the end of the Earth but can't feel that way about a child that I didn't give birth to..

THANK YOU ALL so much for listening to me vent!!

momma2c1222's picture

Those are some of the topics I have tried to discuss with my H. He will say things like "you can't put BS 1st".. or "don't ask SS to do something that you aren't asking BS to do". I just laugh and say "okay let me ask my 2 year old to clean off his plate from dinner and put his clothes up!". I honestly just think that he HATES the fact that I am not SS's mother and doesn't know how to revert that anger to anyone but me because I am the easiest and closest target, I guess.

He is an absolute hypocrite but he just does NOT see it my way. He blames me for everything.

Willow638's picture

I think it's really insightful that you realize all of this is really coming up because you're husband is mad at himself. If I were you, I'd try to see if you can talk about this before you start to fight. Just ask your husband leading questions until he starts to get the same level of insight about himself and his behavior. The trick is getting him to come to that conclusion himself; if you try to tell him, it'll come off as accusatory.

momma2c1222's picture

That has been a goal of mine for about 7 years now! ha ha! I know that if he were to see our situation in a totally different family he would absolutely think the father is in the wrong. Even without realizing that he is doing the exact same thing. BUT He just does not want to admit to it at all.
Men.. ughh.

misSTEP's picture

If you feel your relationship is worth salvaging, Read Stepmonster and get him to read it as well. There is no way in hell that you can be forced to have feelings for SS that you don't have. I agree with ybarra, this is pretty much all on your H.

momma2c1222's picture

Thank you!! I will look up the book. I am literally just hanging on by a thin thread but want to make sure that I have exhausted all avenues and looked to see where I could possibly be in the wrong before taking any kind of action!

hereiam's picture

YOU are not a horrible person but I cannot say the same about your DH. He's going to withhold affection and attention from his own son? And expects you to do the same when SS is around?

he says that he has to make up for SS not having a mother

First of all, it's impossible to "make up" for SS having a crappy mother. It makes no sense for him to then be a crappy dad to his son that he has with you. Who's going to "make up" for that?

I REALLY hate the excuse of having to make up for something in these situations. There is no making up for anything. The best thing a parent can do, is be the best parent they can be and that includes raising their kids to know that life isn't always fair. Coddling them does them no good in the long run. Buying them things, being their friend, not disciplining them does NOTHING to help them grow into productive adults. Make a kid feel like they are broken and they will always be broken.

You don't have to love your SS as your own to treat him well and it sounds like you do, even though he's annoying.

The fact is, your DH has TWO sons. Two, biological sons. He seriously cannot love and parent them both?

momma2c1222's picture

I appreciate this!! I am feeling 100% better after reading all these comments. I was truly starting to second guess myself and wonder if I just wasn't normal and if I was a bad person for not feeling "motherly" towards my SS. My H isn't the most mature and I truly just think he doesn't know how to handle adult situations. His communication pretty much sucks.

momma2c1222's picture

YES!! He doesn't want me to hug and kiss all over him or call him "Momma's baby" or do any of those types of things!

hereiam's picture

When my niece was born, DH and I had her every weekend, SD was 11 at the time. Although we encouraged her to play with our niece and included SD in everything, there were times she was jealous of the attention that her dad gave to our niece.

DH just told her that when she was little, he paid just as much attention to her and played with her just as much, people just can't remember babyhood. That babies and toddlers need different kinds of attention than pre-teens. I think she got it but was still a little jealous.

Also, SD knew that I was not her mother or aunt or anything so I don't think she was jealous of the attention I paid to my niece but I don't know. I certainly wasn't going to smother SD in kisses like I did my baby niece!

Your DH should be fostering the relationship between his sons, not creating a rivalry.

still learning's picture

So why has DH not stepped up to be a father to ss7? Why is he primarily living with his maternal grandmother?
It sounds like your in-laws and DH are trying to make ss7 feel better and more loved by ignoring and withholding affection from your bs2. You have a supportive family so keep bs2 away from his toxic paternal grandparents. It sucks that ss7 had an egg donor that doesn't want to be a mother and a father that hasn't stepped up, you had NOTHING to do with that yet you're getting all the blame for it. You're a loving mother and a caring step mother, they should all be grateful yet they're resentful...go figure. Guess you make them all look bad.

I hope all of you can get family counseling because DH needs to hear that he can love both of his sons and you are allowed to be a great mother and love your son all you want.

What a lot of unnecessary drama.

momma2c1222's picture

I will defend my DH on the fact that SS7 isn't living with us because his grandmother has lied each time we have taken them to court to get custody. SS7 BM comes and goes as she pleases and doesn't properly care for SS7 so grandmother has stepped in. We took them to court to get the custody overturned (about 3 years ago) and grandmother covered for BM 100% saying that she is an attentive mother, blah blah. So there is actual good logical reasoning behind that.

BUT on to everything else- I am so thankful that you can see that keeping BS2 away from the inlaws/paternal grandparents is a good move on my part. That decision (although DH says he agrees with me 1 day but changes his mind the next) was made between DH and I because I feel that my sole purpose is to protect BS2. I struggle with that decision because my DH will literally say "I am behind you.. 100%.." and then a week later he will get pissed off to no end when I don't allow him to take BS2 to his grandparents.

Example- DH's birthday was last week. His grandparents planned a birthday dinner for my DH (he works off and is only home every 3-4 weeks for the weekend). DH's grandparents planned a dinner yet did not even call my DH to tell him- they included the rest of the family but not him. He got a call around 1pm yet I already had plans that evening to help with an annual fundraising event my employer puts on each year for my hometown. I told my DH "no big deal.. just go to dinner out there and I will have my parents watch BS2" then that is where the argument started. He wanted to take BS2 with him because he hates that my parents are so close to BS2. I told him that I was not comfortable with that and that if he wanted things fixed then he needed to get them fixed. I have already extended the olive branch to my crazy in laws over a year ago and they basically spit in my face so I wrote them off completely. He sees it as me dictating what he does with our BS2 but I try to explain to him that I have a level of comfort and I need it respected when it comes to BS2 and being around people who are HORRIBLE to me and have said awful things about BS2.

It is all unnecessary drama and 95% of our problems stem from issues that don't even center around him and I.. which is sad. I just don't know when enough is enough. I don't want my son to have to be around these people but I also don't want him raised in an household where he sees an unhappy marriage and thinks that is how it should be. Being a mother and wanting to do right by your kids is so hard.

SecondGeneration's picture

Now you see I find this funny.

Your DH is being an ass to you because hes feeling guilty about SS7 not having the stable duo parent backing and for SS7 not having as good a relationship with his BM as you and BS2.

Well, sorry but your DH is also feeling guilty because hes also a crappy parent.
He knocked up the BM, but was in a relationship with you when he found out, he ditched you in attempt to make a "family" work with BM for their child. Now personally I wouldnt have taken him back after that fell around his knees, because frankly, it doesnt matter to me whether he did it for moral reasons, point is, you guys stopped seeing each other and he returned to BM to try to have the whole family environment.
But the reality is, that didnt work and he came back to you. You guys then get married, but SS is living primarily with his grandmother? Why isnt he with daddy?

Why isnt daddy dearest the primary parent? Because it really is quite simple, primary custody goes to the mother or the father. Then grandparents get a look in. Now, ok if its between mothers and fathers sometimes dads get a bad deal but if its between a father and a grandmother? Custody should be going to the father.
Im going to just assume that the reason SS is with maternal grandmother is because your darling husband "doesnt want to rock the boat" which is ball-less man language for "I cant be arsed to put the work in to legally fight for my child but I want the whole world to treat my child like a precious offering during the limited time they are with me because I couldnt stand them myself if they were with me all the time"

The whole having to love your step kid like your own is totally stupid. I can remember when me and my fiance very first got together, SD was 2, and I said to him I could promise to do my best to ensure SDs needs were always met and Id support him in his role as her father but that I couldnt promise to love her, my relationship with her would not be forced, she would not be forced to "love" me and I would not be forced to love her. I would demand respect from her the same as I would expect from any child within my house and in turn I would provide for her in the same way I would for any child within my house. But more than that I could not promise.
You know what my fiance said? What my fiance has done throughout our relationship? He imagined if the situation was on the other foot, he imagined how he would feel and the difficulties he would face if I had a child by someone else. And though only hypothetical it enabled him to respect that very fact that yes there would be a difference.
Now my relationship with my SD is great, personally I believe because nothing has been forced.

But I can tell you one thing, when me and my fiance have an "ours" baby, if his family wanted to elevate SD but reject our baby I would not be happy but you know the main thing? My fiance would not stand for it.
SS7 and BS2 are HIS children, he is the father to BOTH children and he should be demanding that HIS BOYS are treated correctly and this is the bit that really makes me laugh. Your husband is demanding from YOU that you treat his son the same as you treat/love your son but he is not demanding that his family love and treat both sons the same.
Personally I would be turning around to him and telling him that.

I would be having a sit down with him and laying it all out in a non argumentative fashion.
People get defensive about their kids, its natural. If I was to begin a conversation with you by saying, Your BS2 really pisses me off, you wouldnt hear much of what I had to say next.
So sit him down and try to talk things through, play it as you sympathise with him, you really do, you feel awful that SS7s mother doesnt seem to have as good a bond as you and BS2 and you want to make it better but you cant replace SS7s BM.
Then you take it round to what does he want? Does he want to have SS7 living with him? Tell him that you would be concerned if SS7 was to come and live with you because then BS2 would loose his father.
Try to just talk and see where it goes but honestly, if you cant talk about these things now after a 7 year relationship and with a 2 year old son then its not magically going to get better one day and I'd be making an exit.

As I've stated before I am blunt, I wouldnt have taken the man back after dumping me to try to play families with the BM. I am able to understand that if theres a child its not the childs fault and that child needs to be looked after and cared for, but I sure as hell would not stand for myself or my child paying/loosing out on what they need because of it.

momma2c1222's picture

I will defend my DH on the fact that SS7 isn't living with us because his grandmother has lied each time we have taken them to court to get custody. SS7 BM comes and goes as she pleases and doesn't properly care for SS7 so grandmother has stepped in. We took them to court to get the custody overturned (about 3 years ago) and grandmother covered for BM 100% saying that she is an attentive mother, blah blah. So there is actual good logical reasoning behind that.

"But I can tell you one thing, when me and my fiance have an "ours" baby, if his family wanted to elevate SD but reject our baby I would not be happy but you know the main thing? My fiance would not stand for it.
SS7 and BS2 are HIS children, he is the father to BOTH children and he should be demanding that HIS BOYS are treated correctly and this is the bit that really makes me laugh. Your husband is demanding from YOU that you treat his son the same as you treat/love your son but he is not demanding that his family love and treat both sons the same.
Personally I would be turning around to him and telling him that."

^^^^^^ This is PERFECT. This is exactly what I have tried to say to DH. He gets pissed at me for not treating SS7 or loving SS7 like I do my own son (which does not mean I do not show him love and protection!!) yet he can allow his family to say HORRIBLE things about me and BS2 without demanding they change their ways. He expects me to just "sweep it under the rug" about his grandparents/my inlaws and chalk it up to "that is just how they are..". NO WAY-- I can't and won't do that. My son deserves better and I feel that if I don't look out for him then no one will.

If SS7 were to live with us full time, which would ultimately mean he would be with me because my DH is only home every 3-4 weeks, then I absolutely would not do it. I know that may be horrible and our vows said "for better or worse..til death" but I refuse to do it. I just can't give SS7 what he needs with my DH not being there. I will not raise someone else's child alone. SS7 gets so jealous when/if DH pays any attention to BS2 that it literally eats at me. Every time DH attempts to wrestle with BS2 or show him a little attention then SS7 has to come jumping in and trying to get all attention on him and away from BS2. DH does absolutely nothing to change it and knows it upsets me. To make matters worse- when DH is home for the few days he has off every 3-4 weeks the first thing he does is run to get SS7. We don't even get alone time and neither does BS2 which upsets me because he expects me to put BS2 behind his needs yet and make him #1 yet he has never ever put SS7 behind me.
It's just so frustrating because I don't feel like it is ever going to change and I feel like the only reason I am staying is because I can't stand the thought of my son being exposed to DH's crazy ass family or being taken away from me for a few days every 3-4 weeks. I feel like I didn't choose wisely on a father to my son and I have just screwed up his life. (a little dramatic I know but I am a first time mom and grew up with parents who are still married after 34 years- so I don't understand the dynamics of split homes)