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OT: Potty Training Woes BS3stb4

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

BS will be 4 in May. We switched from Diapers to Pull-ups at 3. He goes potty at daycare just fine. But at home no such deal. I put him in 'big boy underwear' on Sunday. And he would hold his urine and then freak out and say he wanted a pull-up. Then he would pee in the pull-up and want more big boy underwear.

I'm asking him every half hour if he needs to go potty and that didn't work. He would say no... and then just go 5 min later. So I started trying to just take him to 'try' every half hour. But then he would flip out and say he didn't want to go potty.

Maybe we're pressuring him too much or something? I don't know but I'm getting to my wits end with this potty training stuff.

Any advice?


just.his.wife's picture

Years ago I worked for a pediatrician: he admitted he was one of those doctors that chastized parents for their kids not being potty trained and yes talked down to them when they confessed to having problems. He knew how to do it! He was a professional!! And his three kids were potty trained by the age of 2!

Then he had child #4. And this child gave his daddy the gift of humility. Nothing worked potty training this kid. Charts/graphs/bribes/threats/begging... nothing worked. The kid was a week away from entering kindergarden and was still in pullups. Good doc was pulling his hair out as the kid just refused to potty train.

The weekend prior to school starting the family was going bowling. Five year old wanted to bowl and in a fit of frustration, dear doc told the kid "You have to be potty trained to bowl. It is the law." Kid started using the toilet that day and never had an accident.

Go figure. Bowling!!

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

I think I need to go buy more underwear then. We went through the 5 pairs I bought on Sunday pretty fast and then I was out and had to go back to Pullups.

new to this's picture

When my son was little they didn't even make pull up's or at least I don't think they did. I don't know what my babysitter did but on Monday I told her I wanted to start potty training and by Friday she had him trained!! I never asked, I was happy. One thing I remember though was he liked to go outside, we lived in the country and him peeing on a tree was the grandest thing. He ran around naked all the time too.

SM with BM from hell's picture

I tried this trick with BS13 when he was little. Unfortunately it didn't work for him. His currency was his favorite cartoon character ( Buzz Lightyear) underwear, he had one accident and was so upset he "ruined Buzz", we never had another issue LOL.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

My son was 3.5 yrs old when he "decided" to be potty trained. I spent hours in the bathroom with him. I tried the "let him run naked", and the "put him in real underwear" approaches, along with negative reinforcement. Nothing worked! Then we moved. That weekend he decided he was potty trained. He had been in day care for 6 months prior. Something about the change in routine made him decide he was ready. We still put a pull up on him at night. Most nights he stays dry, but he has accidents from time to time. Other than night time, I can count on one hand the number of accidents he has had in two years, and they were all when his routine was changed. Hope this helps in some way!

ETA: I started working with my son when he started walking at 9 mo.