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Two payments late now

Newimprvmodel's picture

So now the loan that dh cosigned with 26 year old SD is now 2 payments past due. About 35 days.....he has called her for the past response. He sent her an email yesterday begging her to "do the right thing", and " if you value your integrity." I laughed when he told me he sent the letter. This girl has done everything imaginable to her father.....come down the driveway when she was 19 with a court order to use his second car. Falsified her grades to him, the list goes on. His response.....I have hope she will do the right thing!
So I said his credit is already damaged. He was told they report to credit bureaus after 90 days. I think it all gets reported?

Newimprvmodel's picture

It is 5 k loan and only 35 bucks a month. She is selling him out for the cost of Starbucks .....

Newimprvmodel's picture

He says he still hopes she will do the right thing. I think his credit has already taken a hit. I have never been two payments late on anything. But again, doesn't all of your payment history ultimately get reported?

Newimprvmodel's picture

I think in some kind of crazy way he thinks if she pays it will be a sign she still cares about him, and he will have something left to hold onto. If not, he will be left with the harsh reality of who she really is....he is still in denial..

Rags's picture

I would buy the loan from the finance company and put a lien on SD's car and home were I your DH. First I would contact the loan company and give them every bit of contact information on where to find the deadbeat daughter and serve her deadbeat ass up on a silver platter to the bank's collections bloodhounds.

I have no problem putting even my own kid living in a cardboard box under a highway overpass if it teaches them a lesson about paying their debts. Particularly if my credit rating is on the line.

And this is exactly why we never, ever, ever will consider cosigning a loan for anyone for any reason. The kid has never asked (SS-22) but we have had several requests from my brides family members. No-Fuckin-Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Newimprvmodel's picture

They know where to contact her. And nobody has called after the first missed payment. Suing her takes energy. Time for us to move on. The last laugh is really on her and her mother. She sat at a fancy private college, failed every semester, and although dh had to pay 40 k of that debacle, her mother cosigned 40 k and SD has another 40 k in her own name. Life will very very painful for both of them , very soon. Wish I could witness it first hand, but I know she will suffer through paying 80k loans now. Unless of course she finds a rich nice guy to marry and pay it off. I suspect that will be the case.

Newimprvmodel's picture

She lives 3 thousand miles away. He did pay several months worth of the loan at my urging today. Just not worth the credit damage.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Well here is the off the presses. He sent a begging letter this weekend, and when he got no response, he paid a few months and then sent another letter saying he had paid it and she basically stinks.
However, he has found that the emails did not go through because he sent to wrong address. So he actually is going to call YSD again to get her correct address and resend them in order.
I told him it is ludicrous. She is not paying!! She is not returning your calls and texts!! And honestly calling her sister, who is another person who shits on him, is also ludicrous. These are adults, they are making him jump through hoops like dogs at a circus. I was blunt.....begging is not attractive, for either dogs or people.
So thankfully it is paid for a few months. However, my dh continues to act in a manner that I find repulsive. He did this with his ex and now his daughters and it is so unsexy!! Lol.....

Newimprvmodel's picture

I had told him at the start to send a certified letter to her office. But you know, she is who she is....a POS, and honestly it is not worth the aggravation. She knows the game, she knows he will pay, and she knows he will talk to her and do her bidding should she ever want any engagement with him. You know when he wrote the adios letter yesterday, he agreed with me he has written several over the years I have known him, and they are without any meaning.
Hell, I would not have even picked up the phone when YSD called on what seems to be a fishing expedition. But that is who my dh is.....milk toast !!!!!!!
So I am just dropping it with him, as long as it is paid for a few months. The crazy thing is if she ever lost her mind and paid, I think he would be beside himself with joy and love for this putrid specimen of a human being. Lol. So in some ways, better she stays the hell away and it is worth more than 5 k to me. Maybe all the tea in china ......

Newimprvmodel's picture

Instant thought......she knows he is all talk....will never change his will! Ha ! Milk toast!