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Your view of skids reorganizing your home.

sandye21's picture

I am wondering how you feel about adult skids coming into your home and rearranging your furniture. This was what started the war with SD.

Sports Fan's picture

I think it depends on which furniture. My quick answer would be Hell No unless it was in their bedroom. Any other part of the house would definitely be off limits. Same answer for biokids. You and your SO decide on household furniture and all other household decisions. You can ask a skid or biokid an opinion but they don't decide.

She_Sparkles's picture

no one moves the furniture except the people who purchased it.Unless it's in the child's bedroom...then move that shit all you want.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I agree with the others. Rearranging one's own bedroom is fine. Rearranging any other part of the house is marking territory, and that's not okay.

zerostepdrama's picture


Merry's picture

Different perspective here. My DH and SD are the ones with the artistic eyes. As long as they didn't touch my personal stuff (reorganizing my closet, for example), I would be open to it. I would certainly feel free to say "nope, I don't really like that chair here" or change things around again later. It's just stuff, and I can see my DH and SD getting a kick out of it. But I have a decent relationship with SD, most of the time.

Keepsmiling's picture

No No No... When we moved into our home, ysd was helping us. I had told one of my other helpers to hang something in the kitchen. ysd tried to tell my other helper not to hang it there. I happen to come into the room. I said no ysd that is not where I want it. YSD got so pissed. Not her house. Get your own house.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I hate, hate, HATE when SD24 rearranges the food in our pantry to her liking. I know it sounds petty, but I always put things back the way I had it just to make a point.

sandye21's picture

SD took a mattress off of a sofa bed in the den / bedroom. I asked her nicely if she wouldn't move it. Completely ignored me and did what she wanted. Another time, we had quite a few guests gathered on our patio. There was a large table, a smaller table which I placed the food and wine on, and a conversation area composed of a large porch swing and several chairs. The guests congregated in the conversations area. Out of the blue, SD began moving the food and wine to the larger table, spilling a couple of bottles of wine in the process. Then ordered me to assist her in moving the large table with all of the food and the remaining wine on it. I asked her not to but she ignored my request. I finally had to say, "Leave it." She then sat down at the large table by herself and pouted. She later shamed me because "People had their backs to me and I felt left out.".

Poodle's picture

The agenda behind mine doing this sort of thing was, "I have dad's implied authority to do this"; "It's dad's home as much as yours so dad can move the furniture all he wants and if I move it he will approve". :sick: It's not just territorial it's flat out competitive.

TwirlMS's picture

My SD34 acts like she owns the place. She didn't grow up here, and her mother never lived here, but still she does these passive aggressive things whenever she's over.

When we got married, we blended our furniture, as well. Mine is more formal, so it's in the living room & dining room, and DH's furniture is in the downstairs family room, since his is more comfortable and casual. Whenever we have a big family gathering on holidays, DH's side always congregates downstairs with his furniture, and my family stays upstairs with my furniture. I guess that's where they feel comfortable.

SD34 has always tried to mark her territory every time she comes to visit. At first, she used to open my kitchen cabinets. She doesn't do that anymore, because I've replaced most of the things with my own dishes, and donated DH's first wife's things to the Goodwill.

We got all new furniture for the den and now SD always goes to sit in DH's recliner at his desk and camps out on his computer, reading his e-mail. Talk about invasion of privacy.

Keepsmiling's picture

omg ysd used to read dh emails, answer his cell phone. One day my cell rang and she answered it. Talk about no boundaries. I was like no you do not answer my cell phone. WTF. My adult kids would not answer my phone let alone dh's.

TwirlMS's picture

Sounds like our SDs have some issues in common.

I know SD wanted to claim our guest bedroom as permanently hers. In fact, she forbid anyone from going in there after we forced her to move out. DH was angry about that and told her flat out that is not her bedroom, and we plan to have other guests staying there overnight from time to time.

I totally redecorated that room after her two month stay was up. I donated the existing guest bedroom furniture to the Goodwill, and brought in my lovely bedroom furniture from my previous home and repainted the walls. I know she hates that my furniture is down there now. Blum 3

Rags's picture

Nope, leave the furniture alone. Someone mentioned this as marking territory. That is exactly what it is.