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Whinig and venting can't say it anywhere else

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Just had oral surgery last week. Trying to just take my meds and not whine but getting really pissed.

Can't eat now that general is out of my system. Can only do milkshakes. Everything else hurts.

Maybe the pain is just making me cranky. I finally got to sleep Saturday morning and DH comes busting into the living room at seven making all kinds of noise. Normally he'll sleep until after noon.

Every time I finally go to sleep he'll slam a doir or the keyboard drawer on the computer.

Or he'll be ranting and raving or arguing with my 17 y/o son.

Coughing literally every fifteen seconds(one of the ways he expresses his discontent)or banging cutlery against the dishes so hard they might break.

Wants certain things for dinner says he'll help but disappears for hours inthe bathroom.

I really don't mind cooking but I can't eat any of it.

Everybody please just shutup and be quiet give me some peace already.

I would scream but it hurts. : )


positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Oh yes.

What are WE doing for dinner?

(WE just means I want to know what YOUR plans are)

IDK. Hadn't reay thought about it.

I'm the one who does grilled meat steamed garden fresh veggies lovely salads and all.

He does pizza burgers and frozen lasagne only when he has to.

Thank goodness my kids will help or the house would grow feet and run away or we'd all be sick from icky food.

Whenever I'm sick he's got to come up with stomach cramps backache or vague flulike symptoms bad enough so he can't really be any help but harmless enough that he doesn't run to doc.

Here's another timeless favorite often hollered from somewhere in the kitchen usually the bowels of the refrigerator

"Honeeeeeeeeeey? Where is such and such? I know you put it in here but I caaan't fiiiiiiiiind it.... Honeeeeeeeeey..."

"Could you come here and help me find it"

The very minute my feet land in whater room he's helplessly searching in I hear "oh nevermind I just found it. Sorry Honey"

Every motherfucking time.

keep looking you'll find it. Jesus even the kids can do that you're almost sixty years old why can't you?

She_Sparkles's picture

A man who can't be nurturing,supportive,and kind to his wife when she's recovering from any surgery or illness is hardly a man at all in my book.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Like I said I don't really mind cooking still have to feed the kids.

I don't expect life to come screeching to a halt just because my mouth hurts.

Just have some empathy and let me sleep when I can and don't expect me to answer questions while it hurts.

The severity comes and goes.

If it weren't for opiates and benzocaine I'd be fucking done now!

: )