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New & hoping others can relate

BeyondFedUp's picture

My username pretty much says it all.

My dh has 3 kids from his 1st marriage- sd19, sd18, and ss15. Only ss15 lives with us now thankfully. We have 2 boys together, ods3 and yds2, and we're expecting another boy.

My ss15 is just a jerk. I can't put it any other way. He is a bully (suspensions, detentions, in school restraining orders, etc.) against many other kids. Anyone he thinks he can get away with it from. He also very verbally sexually harassed another younger student (11) on the bus this year, just horrible, horrible stuff. He is abusive to my kids too- will tell my oldest he hates him because he has brown hair, is ugly, etc. DH will put his foot down for a little bit but never follows through. I'm looking at another 5 years of it at this point as he will turn 16 right after he starts 8th grade this year.

I love my husband but I hate how he is with his son. He has no problem putting rules/expectations in place with our oldest and following through. He literally expects more from a 3 yo than he does from a 15 yo. For instance, 3 yo is expected to clean up and do chores but I am expected to do all that stuff for his son.

Not to mention he smells- will go weeks without taking a shower and dh says it's normal- and since we live in 1 floor apt the whole thing smells.

So much stuff I could get into and I'm sure I'll be on here regularly. I am at the point where next year (would be as soon as I'm financially able) of taking our 3 kids and living apart until his child is out of the house. I just can't take it. I'm so done being angry and depressed all the time and this is not stuff I want my children exposed to.

Vent over, for now!


Justme54's picture

Can you all send him to boot camp. If he is bad as you say, the law may be taking control down the road. I wish you good luck. What is the story with BM?

MamaFox's picture

Juvie, military school, scared straight programs. These are things you can do, and in fact if you are ever asked to go to court over this kid, I would ask the judge to send him to boot camp.